"Leave NOW!" Conner yelled at him and Ashton put his hands up in surrender.

When he was walking out he turned back towards us.

"I did and I still do care about Jarrod, I visit his grave almost everyday" and with that he walked out.

I turned around in Conners arms and put my face in his chest and sobbed, I didn't care that the whole floor was watching me.

I felt Conner pull me backwards and I figured he was pulling me back to his office.

When I heard the door click I lifted my head from his chest and he looked into my eyes.

"I'm so sorry baby" he whispered before placing a loving kiss on my lips.

"How could he say that? He didn't even come to Jarrods funeral and he wants to say he cares" I said as I started pacing, the sadness long gone but in it's place was anger.

"Baby something you need to know is that Ashton always says things and does things he doesn't mean it's just the way he copes" Conner said shrugging.

"Are you defending him?" I asked my face turning red from anger.

"No, not at all but I just want you to understand that's how he's always been"

"I don't care how he copes I was the mother of his child and he didn't care" I screamed.

"I know baby and I'm sorry" Conner said while coming up and hugging me.

My anger quickly went away when he kissed my forehead.

"Can I go home please?" I asked and he gave me a sympathetic look and nodded.

"Thank you" I said then kissed him.

"I'll come by later to check up on you and I have to tell you something" he said and then I remembered something.

"Yeah I have something to tell you too but later" I told him then walked out.

I quickly gathered my things and left.
I walked into the house and heard squeals and laughter.

I followed the sound into the living room where all the kids and May were sitting around a big dollhouse that I had bought a while back for the girls playing with transformers and barbies.

I just stood there admiring them but then Taylor saw me.

"Mommy" she said then ran up to me. I reached down and picked her up.

"Elena what are you doing home?" May asked getting up from her spot on the floor.

"Um I just had a bad day at work and Conner let me go home early"

"Oh okay then" she said then was tugged back to the dollhouse by Violet.

May played with Bradley,Violet,and Sky for a little bit longer before she left and I was alone with my kids.

"Babies I want to take you all somewhere" I told them and they all got excited.

They all rushed to put their jackets,hats,and shoes on and once they were done they stood by the door and waited for me.

I pulled on my jacket and shoes and then we all walked out to the car.

I strapped everyone in and then we were off.

About twenty minutes later we arrived at 'Rose Cemetery' it felt like déjà vu since we had just been there visiting me mom.

"Mommy are we visiting your mommy again?" Taylor asked curiously.

"No baby but we are visiting someone very important to me" I told her and she just stayed quiet.

We arrived at the path nearest to his grave and I parked the car and got all the kids out.

"Remember don't be loud, don't run,and stay with me" they all gave me a nod in understanding.

I led them to a small headstone.

"Babies this is your brother his name is Jarrod" I told them and there eyes grew big.

"Mommy what happened to him?" Bradley asked and I pulled him to me.

"Well Jarrod wasn't like you when he was born. He was born not breathing and he didn't survive but he's still in my heart" I explained not wanting to keep anything from my children.

"Mommy don't cry" Bradley said and I didn't even realize I was crying until he said something about it.

"Baby bear I love you and I love all of my girls too" I said while pulling all of them into a hug.

When we were getting ready to leave I watched something happen, I watched Bradley walk up to Jarrods headstone and kiss it before hugging it.

More tears streamed down my face but I quickly wiped them away.

"Okay babies time to go" I said and all the girls started walking but Bradley stayed behind a little and I heard him say something.

"Bye bye brother"
When we arrived home I noticed Conners car on the curb so I pulled into my driveway hopped out and got the kids out.

We walked in the door and I saw Conner in the dining room. He most have gotten in using the key I have him.

"Daddy" I heard and shockingly enough it came from Violet.

"Hi purple Violet" I laughed at that because recently Conner had started calling Violet purple Violet and I found it hilarious.

"What are you doing?" I asks walking into the dining room.

"Well miss nosey I'm making dinner" he said while walking up to me and giving me a kiss.

"Where have you been?" He asked after he pulled back.

"I took the kids to visit Jarrod" I whispered and he gave me a small smile.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" I whispered back then he kissed me again before letting go of me.

"Okay back to dinner"
After dinner I gave the kids a bath before putting them all to bed.

Now Conner and I sat on my couch talking.

"I have something to tell you" I said suddenly and he looked at me.

"I do too but it's more of a question" he said and I looked at him curiously.

"You go first" he said but I shook my head no.

"No you go first" he shook his head.

"No you"

"No you"

"No you"

"Okay okay how about we say it at the same time" I suggested and he nodded.




I counted then we shouted out what we had to say.

"I'm pregnant"

"Move in with me?"
So I don't know how it turned out cause I rewrote this about four times and then I went back and deleted and added things and I don't proofread so it is what it is BUT I WILL TELL YOU THIS STORY IS ALMOST OVER!!!

I know sad right? But I'm not sure exactly how many chapters are left so I just won't make an estimate!

I love you all for reading


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