Chapter 1

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Cayden's POV:                                                                                                                                             

"Cayden, is there a reason you don't want to come to the party?" Alex asked. I groaned. "I've explained this to Zack and Lia. I don't want to explain it again!" Ok, maybe I didn't really explain much of anything to them, but still. "You never explained anything to them, bro! Is it because you don't think you will find your mate?" How does the Alpha know me so well? "Yes. I've told you before, I give up! I've spent four almost five years looking for my mate. Maybe..I'm just destined to be alone." I sighed. What I wanted most in the world..was to find my mate. I've gone to so many parties trying to find her, I think I might go crazy! "Cayden, you aren't meant to be alone. I'm saying this as your best friend. Not as the Alpha. Just, go to this one party. Zack and Lia would be a little disappointed you didn't come." "Fine, Alex. I'll go. But this is the last time!" I got up and headed towards my closet. I sighed. Maybe part of the reason I was so grumpy lately, was because I'm jealous. Zack has his mate. And so does Alex. Both are my best friends..Zack is the Beta and Alex is the Alpha. Me? I'm the Gamma with no mate. I have never been a patient person. And, sometimes, I'm prone to jealousy. So, when Zack found Lia, Alex's sister, and Alex found Kelly, Zack's sister, I officially felt alone and jealous. Yep. I'm messed up. Sometimes, I feel alone in my life. Yes, I have Zack and Alex, but..Sometimes, I wonder if being third-in-command is something to be proud of. There have been times where I talk to a Beta or Alpha of another Pack and I'm put down because I'm a Gamma. There have been times, where I'm treated like an Omega. They are the lowest rank in a pack. Our pack is kind to all ranks. But, other packs, they treat them like slaves. Now, I'm not talking about my pack treating me that way, I'm talking about other packs. I've always kept it a secret and never told anyone. Not even Zack and Alex. And we never keep secrets. If you ask me, the packs that have ridiculed me, don't have Gammas. I've felt pretty low lately..and I don't want to feel lower. But, I went to the party anyway. There, I met the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack and his daughter and Beta. Let's just say, I am really glad she isn't my mate. The Alpha's daughter, was not somebody I'd be proud to call my mate, friend, or daughter. Or pretty much anything. Again, I was brought down. Especially by the Alpha, Beta, and the Alpha's daughter, Ruby. The Beta and Alpha have come before, and always made me feel low. I never met his daughter before, so maybe that's why Zack wanted me to come so bad. They made me clean up their messes they purposely made, they had me get them food and drinks, and they used me as a punching bag. I have never been beat before. I may have been ridiculed, but never beaten. This was the last straw. "Hey, Zack, Lia, I, um, got to get going. Thanks for the party. It Yea, fun. Bye!" I ran off before they could say anything. And before anyone could see my face. Zack and Lia saw it though, and I was gonna get questioned about it later for sure. I didn't bother going into the bathroom when I got back. I just went straight into my room and cried. I was glad nobody was home, because boys really aren't supposed to be crying. They are supposed to be strong and brave..I basically cried myself to sleep that night..I felt lower and more useless that night, than I had ever felt before..

Alex's POV:

"What do you mean he had bruises on his face?!" I demanded. "Lia and I both saw Cayden with bruises on his face. He was bleeding too! I'm telling you, Alex, something happened." Lia agreed. "That's right. He just quickly told us he had to leave and ran off before we could say anything. Alex, something is wrong. Zack and I are concerned." I put my hand on my neck. I was concerned too. More than that, I was angry. Somebody hurt my best friend and I have no idea who! "I'll be right back." I told them. I went into the bathroom and punched the wall. "OW!!" I yelled. Yes, I kinda knew that would happen. "Alex, are you alright? I heard you scream!" my mate Kelly asked when I came out. "I'm alright. Thanks, Kels." I kissed her on the forehead. "Alex and I gotta go back to the pack house and check on Cayden, ok?" "Well, I'm coming too. I heard what happened and I'd like to know if he's ok. Please can I go?" I rolled my eyes as she gave me those puppy dog eyes. "Fine. Let's go." Kelly and I walked back to where Lia and Zack were standing. Of course, Lia wanted to come as well. I announced that we had to cut the party short and apologized. After that, we ran out the door and straight to the pack house. We went up the stairs and stopped in front of his room. Kelly knocked but there was no answer. "Cayden? Cayden, are you alright?" I called but I got no answer. I opened the door quickly and we all went in. We found him in his bed with his face to the wall. "Is he sleeping or.." "Please don't say dead, sis." Zack pleaded. Lia walked up to him quietly. "He's breathing. He's alive." she told us. We breathed sighs of relief as she carefully turned him over. It was a good thing Kelly was holding me. It was obvious he had been beaten. I was angry. Very angry. I wanted to wake him up and make him tell me where he had gotten the bruises, but Kelly held me back. "Alex, he needs to rest. We'll talk to him later, alright?" I sighed. "Alright, Kelly. I'm glad I have you here." And that was the truth. I sometimes act without thinking when I'm mad. So, that's why I'm really glad I have my Beta, Gamma, mate, and sister here with me. We went out of Cayden's room and shut the door. "What should we do now?" "I guess we could watch some tv." I suggested. Everyone agreed and we all went downstairs. We watched one of my favorite episodes of Walker Texas Ranger, but I paid no attention. My mind was on Cayden and whoever beat him. Somehow, I got to find out who did it. So I can give them- "Alex, revenge doesn't solve anything. But, I agree whoever it is, needs to be dealt with. But not by what your thinking." my mate mind-linked me. "Do you always have to read my mind??" I asked through mind-link. She smiled at me. Maybe she's right..but I'd still like to give them a broken nose. She looked at me with that 'Don't even think about it' look. "Ok, ok. We'll try things your way first. But if that doesn't work, can I please handle it my way?" I mind-linked her. "Fine. But only if my way doesn't work. Got it?" I nodded and kissed her forehead. At the time, I thought the only exciting thing was going to be facing Cayden and taking care of those who beat him. I had no idea things were going to get even more interesting than that.

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