Chapter 1: Happy Liberal Anniversary

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Date: 15th June, 2065

Time: 10 : 00 AM

Location: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Objective: None

It's been 40 years, 4 months, and 6 days ever since that war. A war with the Sirens was a historical event that the young generation will never forget. That war was the most struggling and the most eventful time of the new generation of ships. But also to the new generation of the nations that the former Republic has gone through.

That war that happened forty years ago was the Nations' Vengeance War, it was the biggest war in human history ever since The Great War or World War 1 in 1914 and the unfinished 2nd World War in 1939. That war was the war between humanity and a mysterious alien force known as the Sirens. They caused nearly the end of human civilization, but not enough for a new alliance.

That alliance was the Liberal Republic, an organization and an alliance of small Asian nations in the Southeast, and the East. They did their hard work and effort in liberating other nations and fighting against the A.I. Red Army and the Sirens. These nations are now free and growing once more as they show their history and technology.

These nations are the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, United States, Russia, China, Japan, and finally Asia or Southeast Asia where it all began.

These nations rise once again ever since that war was over. That man who pins down the leader of the Sirens known as Arbiter the Empress III. She was pinned by the flag of honor as a sign of a grand victory of the war between humanity and Sirens.

Today, most nations have upgraded their naval technology and their military as civilian life has been changed ever since. The government, laws, technologies, livelihoods, and the environment have changed along the years. New generations soon come and study the war that happened 40 years ago. Schools and Academies always had the one topic that most students agreed to be eventful... The Nations' Vengeance War and the Liberal Republic.

After that war, most of the original 2nd World War military and naval technology were put into service to patrol the seas in case there are surviving Sirens that are planning a new attack. Most ships are recovered and others are rebuilt from scratch as some are no longer in repairs. These WW2 Ships are the pride of every nation and the power of each navy. Engaged in naval combat, only to be allies in the end. Now these ships according to the last note by the Liberal Republic are said that all these recovered and rebuilt warships are put on Pearl Harbor every anniversary and to be turned into museums as it is a waste.

The nations accepted that last note by the Liberal Republic; as of now, all of those warships are now museums. Some are in rivers, some are parked in lakes and some are parked in new navy ports, all in good condition. These ships made their role and so, they're replaced with a new generation of warships. They will be on patrol to make sure no Sirens ever come back.

What's so surprising is that it's 40 years?! There was not even a single war in all nations, everything was so quiet, and peaceful. All these nations gained peace and freedom and no conflict has happened ever since. The Liberal Republic has changed humanity ever since, from humans fighting each other for power, to now humans working together, with no discrimination, no fights, no conflicts, and less crimes.

But this day was a special event for all the nations, this day was one of the most important dates in human history. All nations around the world will meet the nations that formed the alliance that became our saviour, the liberators of peace, the heroes that saved all nations and ended the Sirens. The date was June 15, 2065; this date was now the 119th year anniversary of the Liberal Republic's formed alliance all the way back on June 15, 1946. The year when it all started as a small alliance that soon turned into a republic.

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