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Hey everyone.......I didn't wanted to do it..But I'm left with no other option......but this time, it's limit of my patience......As you'll already know, a person copied my work and I had warned her, and later she apologized and didn't do anything as such again....But this time another person with account name @yudkbhelite had copied my idea, and not just mine, both her stories are copies of some other authors.......And the chapter she has posted today, is copy of my chapter, except for a few small changes.....

So now I'd like to ask you its really fair to all the people who's work she has been copying? We all take so much of pain and hard work to get ideas and also typing all this is such a task......Even with my present schedule and health, I still write because you all like the stories.....and now, I find someone copying my work.......Hence, I feel like that I should stop writing at all....because this is really not done......And this person feels like none of the authors have said anything till I too would keep quiet......But I'm sorry I can't do that........Hence I have decided to not write any further as I'm too pissed with this kind of behavior from some people...and would also unpublished all my work soon.......

Thanks to all who genuinely support me...but now I'm too tired of all this drama.....and sorry from hurting you all.... 

Take care........

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