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Hey everyone.....So I didn't wanted to say it publicly but now I have no other option...This book is completely my imagination work and it really takes a lot of hardworking to write a book....As you all know, I am already working and also studying...and with that, I am also trying to write.....

I had come across a book some time a go....and the very first chapter was an exact copy of my chapter named 'Sameer'......I had warned the writer..and since she's also a loyal reader to me, I had been been polite and the answer I got is, I really liked the chapter and hence I've copied it word-to-word........So now you all tell me is it really acceptable? If we like someone's work, we appreciate them and motivate them to write...and not just copy their hard work.......And after a lot of  talking, she was adamant to write the same....And when I said, I won't tolerate it, she made a very few changes....but still it is easy to find out, that it's the copy of my work.......And yesterday, I again came up to a same paragraph in one of her chapters....about the Navratri function........So now I had to take this step here......I have been very polite and gave her a warning, but she didn't relent........

personally don't believe in copying...else I too would've copy pasted and posted the chapter....And also if I come across some book, which I have read from another author...I do let them know.....and if this happens with me...I'm sorry but I will not tolerate it....I am not tagging her here, as I do not want to humiliate and insult anyone publicly...this is my last warning to you...please stop doing this, else next time, I'll post your name as well.....

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