Chapter 33: Rip and tear semper fi

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---driving through the forest---

Date: September 24th, 2012

Captain Maryam, staff sergeant Samuel Dylans, gunnery sergeant Daniel Richman, private Kevin Sharpe were all in the back of the truck, all still zip-tied, Maryam was naked after having her clothes ripped off, she was cold, needed water and food, just like the rest of the team but the rest of Sentinel-2 had their clothes on except they didn't have their gear, only their camo pants, boots, and a simple green shirt.

Everyone continued saying their prayers, particularly Maryam in hopes to piss off the Taliban into making them kill them right then and there so that they can have swift deaths, they're begging that Flynn was alive to save them.

They know that the US Military would need a few weeks of intel to find their location, maybe even months, their corpses would have already decomposed so bad by then.

Sam was still on top of Maryam, covering her naked body so that the Taliban can't stare at her.

Maryam loves Sam, while she outranks him, she is still younger than him by two years however, Sam shared similar experiences to Maryam, racism is one of them.

No one is jealous that Sam was laying on top of a beautiful, naked woman, they understand how Islam pushes women to be conservative about their bodies and to wear modest clothing so that men don't stare.

The Taliban threw that all away, women were no longer allowed an education, be able to choose their husbands, and kill everyone who was against them.

"Cover that traitorous whores body all you want, she will still be mine," An elder Taliban fighter said, continuing to degrade Maryam and saying that they will kill the men and take Maryam for themselves.

The reason why they called Maryam a traitorous whore was that she was a Saudi Arabian who joined the US Military and that she should have stayed in her role as a woman to give birth to children she doesn't want and stay at home to cook and clean while receiving no education.

"O Allah protect me from my front, behind me, from my right and my left, and from above me, and I seek refuge in Your Magnificence from being taken unaware from beneath me."

She hopes her prayers are to be answered but was slapped in the face by the Taliban insurgent, they're hoping her prayers are not answered as they want Maryam for themselves.

Soon they came to a halt as they open up the truck door and brought them out, they remove the zip ties so that they can have the last moments of their lives to feel free.

This is much more horrifying for Maryam because she knows they won't kill her and will just kill her men and leave her to be taken as either a concubine or wife, two sides of the same coin, that's all there is to her.

Her men will be lucky to be killed and go to Jannah, heaven in the Quran, if one of the Taliban fires on accident, she'd smile in her final moments.

They were pointing their AK-47s at the Marines' backs, telling them where to go and kneel down for their execution.

Everyone sees the Taliban put down a camera on a tall tripod and hit record "This is a message to NATO to their leaders, to Obama, to James Mattis, bring everything you have because it will not hurt us, bring your planes, your ships, your helicopters, your special forces, you will be able to kill thousands of us but know this, you may kill our men but not our ambition, you came to this country in 2001, burning away our Islamic values with your 'Democracy', you took away our brothers and sisters and invaded the graveyard of empires, you will not succeed... This is the price you pay" The leader of the Taliban gives his speech so that they could upload it for a show of force to NATO and America that the Taliban will defeat NATO.

Autobots, Rip and Tear until it is done (Transformers Prime x DOOM)Where stories live. Discover now