Chapter 17: Da'at Yichud

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Whatever remained of the allied nations, 20 years after the demonic invasion, were desperately searching for new weapons to counter the demons if they ever return again with a full-blown invasion like last time as now they are sort of spread out and most of the UAC was killed by the slayer or allied nation forces, with the Blazkowicz trio and the Autobots, Flynn, William, and Duke decided to take part to find new designs of weapons and give the allied nations a chance to fight the demons without the slayers help, well, the slayer will always have to help since the men in 2186 have lost most of their testosterone so they've been trying to find ways to synthesize testosterone.

2185, December 10, June is three months pregnant and is now protected by the governments of the world, the Blazkowicz trio, and the Autobots but a target for MECH and the Decepticons as it was publically announced.

"I think that it shouldn't have been announced to the public," William says to Flynn "It doesn't matter, if anyone gets near my lover to harm her, they will experience damnation like never before" he states, Flynn and then says to the Autobots, "Autobots, me, William, and Duke will go around the world, maybe find something useful for the Da'at Yichud for the governments to use to upgrade their arsenals", "Best of luck, Flynn," Arcee tells him.

"Wait, I'm going with," Elita says, as if she wants to survive on the earth, she'll have to interact with humans more and in this case, she going with William, 'I'll come with as well" Windblade, saying with the same reasons as Elita, "Ya know what, I think I will come as well" Arcee also says, only to go with Flynn as she cares about him the most.

The trio ready their arsenal, Flynn removed the single and burst fire setting of off Williams M4 because they don't if they're going encounter a large number of enemies, not that would matter since Flynn could just speed blitz their asses but he enjoys to make his enemies suffer as they get their limbs torn off one by one.

They set the first coordinates to the Sahara desert, they open the portal and go through to see a hot, sandy wasteland.

"Oh its hot" Windblade remarks as the heat quickly hits her metal, "But not as hot as me" Flynn says with pride and joy "Shut up, you weren't able to pull bitches for four quadrillion years" Duke shout at him with the intent to insult him , but Flynn stays silent, knowing that was the truth.

William, being the "oldest" says "We're getting out of the task at hand, lets split up into duos, we'll be able to cover as much ground as possible that way" The slayer tells VEGA "VEGA, my boy, use satellite, and if you see anything out of the ordinary before us, tell us and we'll rendezvous at that area!", "I understand, slayer".

The fembots transform into their vehicular forms and their human partners go hop in or on, well only for the slayer, he had to hop onto Arcee while in vehicular form as she was a motorbike.

"Flynn, you're quite heavy on me," Arcee says when Flynn got on top of her "Arcee, I've riden you before, and you didn't complain, why are you complaining now?" he asks with curiosity, "Its probably because that we're riding on sand, and probably yourself," Arcee says to him.

She starts up her engine and drives away into the sand dunes.

Duke Nukem and Windblade, were, actually getting along fine, "So, what war did you participate in?" She asks Duke as Flynn fought in Afganistan, North Korea, Iraq, and Iran.

Duke replies with "I fought in the Vietnam war, I taught Flynn to hate communists", "Oh that's interesting, do you have like an escape from certain death story like Flynn when he fought his way out of a cave when he was about to be beheaded?"

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