Chapter 14: First time?

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Rachet: That is a horrible idea, Flynn!!!

Flynn: Its gonna be a walk in the park with me Doc.

Rachet: We don't even know if Hell's atmosphere is breathable!!!

Flynn: I literally went to hell before becoming a God and managed to breathe the air without oxygen tanks, so if a human can breathe its air, so can cybertronians!!!

Samuel: The wretch is guarded by 150 demons he assigned to protect himself, the demons... Won't recognize any of you, not even Flynn.

Arcee: It's going to be one hard fight.

Windblade: But a pest control with Flynn.


Doomguy/Flynn: (in the voice when he killed the dark lord) No.

Miko: Why?

Flynn: Are you brain dead?

Bulkhead: Hey, stop being an asshole.

Flynn: Do you want me to insult you too Bulk?

VEGA: Calibrating the portal to the Deimos base.

Miko: Wait, what do you mean Deimos base, because that's one of the moons of Mars.

Flynn: I didn't tell anyone this because but... I never came from this universe.

Arcee: W-wait, what do you mean?!

Flynn: You see, I came from the 7th dimension, the universe we're in is, dimension X, the Deimos moon was consumed by hell, and so was the 7th dimension.

And it was at this moment everyone in the base knew what the slayer truly lost and know why he rips and tears until it is done.

Everyone had their eyes wide open, literally and metaphorically, taking in that information, not only did the slayer get court marshaled for doing the right thing, his wife, son, and pet rabbit died, he lost his home universe, was betrayed more than any human could count and losing all of the night sentinels under his command, he fights and asks nothing in return, only William and Duke knew of this other than Flynn.

Flynn: Can we... Just go to the Deimos base now?

He says whilst lifting his left brow.

Rachet: Y-y-yeah.

Rachet starts up the portal, signifying the Autobot's first journey to hell.

Optimus: Autobots, transform, and roll out.

The Autobots were now traveling into the unknown and came out on the other side of the portal to see a hellified base, the buildings, corrupted now made of stone with satanic symbology all over it, from the god knows how many eons of evolution, skulls and corpses everywhere and a pool of lava, to see humans being tortured, screaming in agony, knowing they shouldn't have tried to out pizza the hut as they didn't pass to become the argent energy.

The Autobots were now traveling into the unknown and came out on the other side of the portal to see a hellified base, the buildings, corrupted now made of stone with satanic symbology all over it, from the god knows how many eons of evolution, sk...

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Autobots, Rip and Tear until it is done (Transformers Prime x DOOM)Where stories live. Discover now