Chapter 18: Nemesis Prime

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With Vincent taken care of, the slayer goes back to his doom fortress and swaps back into the praetor suit that the wretch made, and teleports back down to the Autobot base.

"So what are we doing today?" Miko says out loud so that everyone could hear meanwhile on a highway where Fowler was driving his car, he approaches a checkpoint where a US Army soldier was waiting as security, Fowler rolls down his window as the soldier salutes "At ease soldier" Fowler tells him and Fowler continues his way.

Then, a truck, the same design as that of Optimus's when he is in vehicular mode starts up and starts tailgating Fowler.

Fowler then opens the radio for it to play some music of the 1980s

Fowler hums the song for a little bit but then the truck following him switches on its headlights, angering Fowler "Go around you asshole" As he waves his arm out of the window to signal the truck to go around.

The truck then slams itself against the back of Fowler's car, causing his car to spin in circles until it came to a complete stop.

"That's no road rage, someones trying to bump me off"

Then the bright lights shine in Fowler's face, he covers his face with his hands and then sees the Autobot insignia.

"Prime?" Fowler asks himself this as Prime would never hurt a human, especially Fowler.

Then fowler pretty much said, "Man, I'm finna whip this hoe" and began driving backward and then turned his car forward.

Meanwhile, in the Autobot base, Miko, Raf, and Jack were all using RC cars for a race as their Autobot companions cheer on.

"Metal to the pedal Miko!" Bulkhead cheering on for Miko.

"Go, Jack, go" Arcee cheering for Jack at the same time.

"No way! Raf is scorching us"

Then the radio came in the Autobot base "PRIME, do you read me" then VEGA told Fowler "I am sorry agent Fowler but Optimus isn't here at the moment"

"Then I will take that as confirmation that he is presently trying to run me off the road!!!"

Flynn, Duke, and William all get up from their seats as they were playing cards as they got intrigued by what the fuck did Fowler just said.

"Fowler that is bullshit" William states out that Optimus would never do such a thing.

It cuts to Fowler getting chased by the truck, he starts approaching a bridge, when both vehicles began driving on the bridge, the truck went to the right of Fowler's vehicle and began bashing it. Fowler's car then starts spinning out of control and before he knew it, his car was hanging of the side of the bridge, the back wheels were uplifted, the truck starts slowly nudging him until Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Arcee show up.

Flynn wasn't allowed to come with, they weren't sure if this was Optimus Prime, so they only brought William and Duke.

As they made their fast approach, the truck tips Fowler's car off the bridge, Bee jumps off the bridge and catches Fowler's car from the back while hanging off from the side while using one hand.

The back of the car of Fowler's car broke off, his car began falling, Bulkhead jumps all the way down to the bottom of the canyon, if it is even that, and grabs Fowler's car before it hits the ground.

Autobots, Rip and Tear until it is done (Transformers Prime x DOOM)Where stories live. Discover now