Chapter 10: The alliance that shall never happen again.

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Optimus has requested Rachet to send him to where the Unicron avatars are as Unicron wants to kill Optimus and no one else.

Rachet: Call us if you are in need of backup.

Optimus: Sheer force cannot destroy Unicron alone... We must find his spark so that I can release the matrix of leadership into it.

Optimus makes his way through the ground bridge by himself because he knew that the base stealth features would only last for so long against Unicron.

While Optimus was walking in the valley Rachet informed him that there was a large energy surge behind him so he turns around to see unicrons face however it was just an avatar.

Unicron: Do you know me follower of Primus?

Optimus: Unicron the chaos bringer!

Unicron: Good.

The avatar breaks out of the rocks to walk properly.

Unicron: Now know me as Unicron YOUR DESTROYER.

Unicron runs at Optimus but Optimus activates his blades to block Unicron's arm that was literally a very spikey rock.

They fight for a few moments until Optimus de-activates his blades to tell Unicron something

Optimus: I humbly request you listen, lord Unicron.

Unicron: And what would a prime be so compelled to say to me?

Optimus: I make this appeal, not for myself but for this planet which you constitute and the beings who inhabit it, humankind relies upon you, for life, sustenance, your resurrection will only result in a species that evolved from the seeds from your very greatness.

Unicron: So this humankind of whom you speak, you consider them my progeny.

Optimus: Indeed.

Unicron: PARASITES, they too will know my wrathful hand once I am finished with you.

Unicron electrocutes Optimus with dark Energon but it wasn't enough to adversely affect him so Optimus was able to get back up.

Optimus Prime: That outcome is inevitable but humanity will not fall while I stand!

Optimus Prime activates his mouth guard and transforms his servos into his blasters and opened fire upon the Unicron avatar and killed it.

Optimus was foolish to think that Unicron had one avatar but looked around him to the valley slowly transform into many Unicron avatars.

Unicron avatars: Foolish disciple of Primus, we are Unicron!

All of a sudden a ground bridge opened and out came the doom slayer with the Autobots.

Optimus: Didn't I tell you all that we cannot beat Unicron with sheer force?

Doomguy: It is best we destroy the avatars until we find a way to neutralize Unicron without destroying the earth we stand on!!!

Unicron avatars kept on coming around them so they decided the best course of action was to run to an open area so that they can fight easier but this was a mistake as they were reaching said open area, the avatars kept on getting bigger in size. And when they reached an open area they found a Unicron avatar the size of the icon of sin.

Bumblebee: *buzzes and beeps*

Optimus Prime: No not Unicron himself.

The larger the avatars got, the slower they became but this didn't matter to the doom slayer as already did a weapon combo with every single gun.

Autobots, Rip and Tear until it is done (Transformers Prime x DOOM)Where stories live. Discover now