"I'm... I don't, uh... wow." Sam chuckles.

"Is that a good 'wow' or a 'bad' wow?" Jessica asks.

"Good. Definitely good." Sam nods assuring her. Jessica grins, letting a small squeal out, hugging Sam tightly. He returns the embrace, rubbing her back.

"We're having a kid." Jessica mumbles.

"Yeah." Sam smiles.

They pull away slightly and kiss. Sam cups her face as Jessica puts her hands on the back of his neck. It gets a little heated before Jessica pulls away.

"Um... we may wanna stop. Because this is going to escalate which is how and why we're currently here." Jessica says and points to her stomach, letting a giggle out.

"Right." Sam chuckles.


Jessica is now 7 months pregnant. It's been a fun, but tough road. Morning sickness was the absolute worst.

Sam and Jessica are currently shopping for a few baby things they'll need for the nursery.

"You know, it would help if we knew what gender the baby is." Sam says, hinting that he wants to know the gender.

"That takes the fun out of it." Jessica says, lightly slapping his arm.

"Well, on the bright side, we'd only have to worry about choosing one name." Sam says. "And if we should buy pink or blue or whatever."

"I don't care what gender the baby is, the colors don't matter. Besides, pink was originally a guy color, so--" Jessica sticks her tongue out at Sam making him laugh.

"So what colors are we going with? Especially if you have a baby shower." Sam says.

"Whatever colors we want to." Jessica states with a grin.

"Okay." Sam smiles. "So what color for a gender reveal party?"

"We're not having one of those. Because we agreed that we wouldn't know the gender until the baby was born." Jessica says, giving him a pointed look.

"Fine." Sam sighs, finally relenting making Jessica grin in victory. "I'll just ask the doctor the next appointment." He mumbles under his breath.

"Um, no, you won't. I told her to not tell you anything regarding the gender. She respects that we don't want to know until labor." Jessica says. Sam stares at her gobsmacked and she smiles.

"You have that little trust in me?" Sam asks.

"Yep." Jessica nods, laughing.

"Rude." Sam mutters. Jessica simply shrugs.

"Ooh, this is so cute." Jessica gushes, picking up a onesie that displays a little bear on it and above it are the words "I WUV HUGZ".

"It's misspelled." Sam points out.

"Don't be a smartypants for five minutes, please. It's cute. We're getting it." Jessica states, putting the onesie in the cart. "Oh, we should get some candy after this. That sounds really good. Reese's. Ooh, or maybe Twizzlers."

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