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January 29, 2003

Jessica Moore paces back and forth in the bathroom of the apartment she shares with her boyfriend, Sam Winchester. She listens to the timer tick, anxiously waiting for it to beep so she's able to read the result that's on the stick which rests on the counter. The results that will or will not be lifechanging.

Jessica missed her last period and she didn't think anything for the first few days, but after two weeks and no period, she figured she should test out her theory.

The timer rings making Jessica stop in her tracks. She stares at the pregnancy test nervously. The blonde manages to make her way over and picks up the stick with a shaky hand. She turns the test over, revealing the result.

Two lines.

Jessica's pregnant.

The young woman lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her brain processes this newfound information before a slight chuckle escapes her, tears springing to her eyes.

There's a knock on the shut door, alerting the blonde of another person's presence.

"Jess?" She hears her boyfriend call from the other side of the piece of wood. "You okay?" There's nothing but concern in his voice.

Jessica realizes that she'll have to inform Sam of the pregnancy. Obviously, especially given it's his child. She isn't sure how he'll react. They haven't discussed children much, but they've both stated that they do want some in the future. But she knows he didn't think this soon in the future.

Jessica takes a deep breath, opening the door, deciding it's now or never.

"Hey." Sam smiles at her comfortingly. "You okay?"

Jessica doesn't answer, simply holding up the test, a small smile on her face.

"Is--is that--" Sam cuts himself off.

"I'm pregnant." Jessica grins.

Sam's jaw drops, his eyes practically popping out of their sockets as how wide they get from hearing the two words.

"You-- uh-- we-- I-- wh-- how?" Sam stumbles to start a simple sentence.

"I think you know how, Sam." Jessica smirks jokingly, the couple sharing a small laugh.

"Yeah, I-I know how. Physically. But... babe, we used a condom." Sam reminds.

"Well, apparently it didn't work." Jessica says, her smile never leaving her face.

Sam stares at the stick as he thinks of everything. He has always wanted kids, but he definitely didn't expect to have a child so soon. He never wanted his children in the hunting life and while he's been out of that life for two years, the thought still occurs in the back of his brain.

He's promised himself that Jessica will never have to find out about the things that go bump in the night and he promises to himself that he's not going to let his future child learn about it either.

"Sam?" Jessica calls, snapping the puppy-eyed man out of his thoughts. "You just gonna stand there or...?" She's nervously wringing her hands, slightly afraid of his reaction now. Not that she never fully wasn't, but the longer the silence lasts, the more nervous she becomes.

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