Chapter 31 - Adaline

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Snow fluttered to the ground, a thin blanket firming on Dottie's headstone. Joshua stood head back , mouth open, tongue out as snowflakes melted almost instantly. Pulling her coat tighter, Ethan fussed in Adaline's arms. She couldn't believe it had been a year since Dottie had passed.

So much had changed and yet so much remained the same. Passing her son into Elliot's outstretched arms she shivered.
"I'll take him to the car to feed him," he said planting a kiss on her frozen cheek. She nodded silently. They'd agreed to visit her mother early Christmas morning before beginning the festivities. A single tear fell down Dean's cheek as he lowered the bouquet he and Adaline had chosen. The purple flowers stood out against the grey stone. Her mother's favourite colour. Neither knew what flowers they were.

Mary gently rubbed her husband's back, her other hand gripping his upper arm. No one said a word. They hadn't planned to stay for long, but leaving felt like losing her all over again. Joshua grumbled, bored of standing in the almost vacant graveyard. In silent agreement the group departed, Adaline pausing briefly, gloved hand atop her mother's grave.
"See you soon mum," she whispered.

The cottage was warm and welcoming when they returned, shaking snow off their coats as they entered. Joshua ran ahead of the adults straight to the stack of presents waiting for him beneath the tree.
"Hold your horses mate," Dean called through as he unlaced his boots. An answering groan echoed through.

Joshua's face lit up as he ripped the wrapping paper off the present Adaline and Elliot had bought him. Elliot looked as surprised as Joshua did when he held up an Amazon Kindle Fire. He shot a questioning glance at Adaline who simply shrugged. The employer at Argos had said it was a hit with young kids when she'd enquired about gifts suitable for a seven year old boy.

Mary sat, black bag in hand, darting for paper. Adaline suppressed a giggle. Watching her sister-in-law reminded her of the Hungry Hippos game she and Dean has played as children. Elliot held Ethan on his lap, opening the infant's gifts for him - mostly teething rings and sensory toys as per Adaline's request. They'd agreed they weren't to buy one another a gift this year, money being much tighter since Ethan's birth. Adaline stared in shock horror as Elliot handed her a small present.

"But we agreed-" she began as she carefully removed the paper. It was a habit she'd developed from Dottie who would reuse any wrapping paper she could salvage. She opened the small navy box revealing a key ring, her favourite photo of her, Elliot and the two children smiling up at her. Her eyes welled as she pulled it out of the box.
"Oh Elliot, I love it!" She gushed.

Presents opened and mess cleared up, Adaline sauntered to the kitchen to help Mary finish preparing the dinner. The turkey sat resting on the side ready to be carved later. Potatoes boiled in a pan, almost ready to be fluffed and roasted. It was Adaline's job to make the Yorkshire puddings using an Aunt Bessy's premade mixture that even she couldn't mess up.

A chorus of moans floated through the kitchen as they sat down to eat, the table laden with dishes.
"Hope you boys are ready to wash up later," Mary winked at Adaline as the two men groaned in protest. A single chair has been reserved in honour of Dottie, a framed picture standing at the table where her plate would be. Before anyone served themselves, they lowered their heads and gave thoughts to those missing from their day. Joshua watched the adults impatiently, sneaking his fork into a slice of turkey that he quickly stuffed into his mouth.
"Dig in!"

All stuffed to the brim and in agreement that dessert could wait, Adaline and Mary left the men to tidy. Joshua sat cross legged on the living room floor scrolling through Google play store, Mary carefully monitoring his downloads. Ethan slept soundly in his Moses basket. The Xbox roared to life, Adaline quickly hitting the Amazon Prime icon before passing the controller to Mary.
"You pick something,"

By the time the men had finished tidying, the women were shouting at the television, berating Alan Rickman for his treatment of Emma Thompson.
"What kind of man does something like that?" Mary wondered aloud curling into Dean.
"I'm sorry ladies, but I cannot take this seriously. I still only see Snape whenever he's on the tv," Dean howled with laughter, pointing an imaginary wand at Elliot.
"Ah, yes. Harry Potter. Our new - celebrity." Elliot responded in an awful impression of the character.

Having watched Alan Rickman in Love Actually, the men had managed to convince the women to start a Harry Potter marathon.
"For educational purposes of course," Dean had said nodding towards Joshua who bounced around in excitement. Darkness crept in before the third instalment of the franchise had ended. Carrying a sleeping Joshua to their car Dean vowed he would be back to continue the marathon after Boxing Day. Adaline chuckled, waving her brother and his family off. Stepping back into the house Adaline shuddered. The living room was dark, the light from the hall way casting shadows on the wall. Her eyes drew to where Dottie's armchair had once sat.
"We miss you mum," she whispered flicking the hallway light switch off before heading to bed.

Elliot was already in bed, asleep and snoring loudly, Ethan similarly snoring in his Moses basket. Adaline crawled in beside Elliot who stirred slightly but did not wake. She lay, eyes open staring at the ceiling. It had been a nice day, pleasant enough, but she couldn't quite shake the feeling that Christmas would never been the same without Dottie pottering about. Elliot had tried to raise her spirits on the weeks leading up to Christmas and for that she was grateful. She hoped the following year, with Ethan much older, would be better. That it would have the magic this year had lacked for her. Next year will be better. She promised herself.

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