Chapter 14 - Adaline

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Adaline couldn't believe what she was hearing. Elliot sat in the armchair opposite her and Dottie, apologising and handing in his resignation. He simply couldn't work there any longer. That's it. No further explanation. Anger raged in her, yet Dottie sat surprisingly cool and collected. She smiled at Elliot, whispered something Adaline couldn't make out no matter how much she strained her ears, kissed his cheek and excused herself. She wanted to scream at him. Demand he revoke his choice and stay.

What kind of person just ups and leaves like that? Glaring at him, Adaline crossed her arms. She looked so childlike in her temper. She watched him lean forward, hands clasped in front of him. He let out a sigh, rubbing his hands together as he spoke.
"I get you're angry at me. If you give me a second I can explain,"
Oh I'll would give you something alright, Adaline thought as thoughts of slapping his cheek and walking off intruded her mind. Raising her eyebrows slightly, Elliot took the hint and continued.
"The fact of the matter is, I like you. A lot. I know I've hurt you, if I could take it all back I would. And I get if you want nothing to do with me. If you'll let me, I want nothing more than to take you out to dinner, to properly show you I've changed. Either way, I can't work for Dottie when I feel for you how I do,"

Adaline blinked at him, unsure if she'd heard correctly. She thought he - but he couldn't have? Could he? He'd quit for her. To be with her. She laughed loudly, sure he was joking. Convinced he and Dottie were playing a prank. When his serious expression didn't break realisation hit. Oh. He's being serious. Adaline blinked again. She knew he was waiting for her to say something. Anything. She was happy; ecstatic even.
She groaned inwardly. Of all the words in the English language, all the possible combinations she could have used, that's what left her mouth. Elliot chuckled, pretending to check an imaginary calendar. He frowned, flipping air pages before clicking his fingers.
"Well, I do have a pretty busy schedule you see, but I suppose I can squeeze you in on," he dragged out the last syllable before laughing, "how does tonight sound? 6 o'clock?"
A mock glare on her face Adaline nodded. 6 o'clock was perfect. It gave her plenty of time to find something to wear - she was thankful to still have a wardrobe of clothes that fitted her in her mother's spare room - and get ready. Clearly pleased with himself, a blushing Elliot stood to leave.
"I'll pick you up at 6 then. Goodbye Adaline,"
His lips brushed her cheek, leaving a warmth behind as he ventured into the freezing air.

Dottie shuffled into the room after he left, a knowing look on her face.
"You best get showered dear, you don't want to stink on your date,"
She winked before shooing her daughter from the room. As Adaline ascended the stairs, an awful coughing fit erupted from the living room. Instantly concerned she ran to check on her mother, who by know was bent forward, bloodied handkerchief over her mouth. Frozen Adaline began to cry. She'd almost convinced herself her mother was fine. That there was no terminal illness. But the blood, oh that blood. There was no denying it. She had half a mind to cancel, stay in with her mother and make sure she was comfortable. Not that Dottie would allow it. She scolded Adaline at the suggestion, insisting she was fine. That Dean was only a phone call away should she need it. Besides, she had games shows to watch without Adaline's moaning and groaning.

Still not entirely sure if she should stay or go, Adaline took heed of her mother's words and showered nonetheless. A quick and efficient wash, not wanting to take too long should she be needed. Standing in front of the wardrobe, hands on her hips she scanned the articles of clothing before her. She really should have asked Elliot what he dress code would be. Chewing her lower lip, she allowed her fingers to stroke the varied materials. She needed help. And fast. Not the sort of help her mother could provide. Pulling her phone from her pocket she video called her best friend. Stephanie answered after the second ring, her newborn daughter cradled on her chest. Adaline oohed as the tot yawned and stretched.
"It's just a quick one I promise. I've got a date tonight and I have no idea what to wear,"
Stephanie's dark rimmed eyes widened as she sat back in her chair. The sound of the baby feeding broke the stunned silence.
"Do tell. Who? Where? What's he like? Is it a she?" Stephanie gasped. Being a new mother, she'd been cooped inside during the colder weather, anxious to leave in case her daughter fell ill. Gossip was very much a requirement for her sanity. Adaline gladly filled her in, enjoying her friends gasps of surprise and squeals of excitement.
"Well come on then, show me what you've got. I've got half an hour before Autumn-Skye goes down for the night,"

Pulling an armful of clothes from the wardrobe, Adaline pressed one dress after another against her body. Stephanie pulled a face, leaning closer to the camera.
"Put them on for Christ sake woman. How am I meant to help you like that,"
Mock saluting, Adaline pulled the first dress over her head. A simple, plain black number with thin straps. It hugged her figure, though would ride up her hips as she walked. The two women agreed it was too risqué for a first date. The second dress - a navy blue maxi dress - also fell short, seeming too casual. Dresses three and four also failed to impress. Close to giving up entirely, Adaline pulled on the fifth dress. It hung to her knees, black and shimmery, revealing just enough cleavage to be sultry. It was backless with silver chains hanging low. Stephanie let out a breath as Adaline twirled. It was perfect.
"I'm telling you girl, if he doesn't snatch you I just might. Mark is a nightmare since the baby was born. You know he's not done one night feed. Not one! Lazy bastard seeps right through,"
Rolling her eyes Adaline laughed. She knew her friend was playing, often telling her how great her husband was with their daughter.
"Stephie, you breastfeed. I don't think he can do too much in that department,"
The girls fell into a fit of laughter, cut short by Autumn-Skye's shrill cry. Hastily saying their goodbyes, Stephanie soothed her daughter while Adaline ended the call.

Looking at herself in the mirror she felt amazing. The dress really was the one. Yanking the towel from her head, Adaline squeezed curl activating cream into her palm and spread it evenly across her ends before squishing her hair towards the scalp. She repeated the process with mousse and diffused her hair completely. Her curls hung perfectly. She was thankful to have learned how to care for her once unruly locks. Pulling her make up bag forward, she sat cross legged in front of the mirror. Sleek yet simple, she told herself as she patted a primer across her eyelids. Crap! She blinked as black eyeliner filled her eye, the other sporting a perfect wing. She always struggled with the left side of her face when doing her make up, often hiding the disaster under her fringe. Using a cotton pad and miscellar water to clean the mess, she tried again, holding her breath to steady herself. It took three attempts to get her eyes as close to matching as possible. By this time Adaline was fed up. Spreading a soft nude liquid lipstick across her lips, a natural blush to her cheeks and a swab of mascara to her lashes Adaline was finished. A quick look at the clock told her she has half an hour before Elliot was due to arrive.

Adaline sat anxiously next to her mother, watching the seconds pass on the clock. He was late. She began to wonder if he'd show at all. Dottie watched her daughter, sadness on her face. She wanted to hold her. To console her. She hoped Elliot arrived soon, for both their sakes. Cracking the knuckles on her fingers, Adaline stood. She needed fresh air. Needed to breath. What an idiot, she thought, angry at herself. She'd already thought of all the possible reasons he wasn't there yet, the logical and the plain bizarre. Perhaps he'd been abducted by aliens. Or maybe he was saving an orphanage from a fire. Maybe he'd found a leggy blonde to better spend his time with. Maybe something had happened with Bonnielola. The not knowing was driving her insane. She paced the living room, kicking her heels off her feet now aching. She was ready to throw in the towel. To head upstairs, pull the dress off and bin it, never wanting to wear it again. To be reminded of the humiliation. To climb into cosy pyjamas and cuddle up with Dottie. Forgetting about men and the grief they caused. She took a final look at the clock. 6:30pm. That's it. He really wasn't coming. Feeling the tears fill her eyes, Adaline picked up her shoes and began to head towards the spare bedroom. She wasn't about to be taken for a fool. To let him use her all over again. She refused. She was better than that, knew her self worth now. The loud ring of the doorbell stopped her in her tracks. She thought she'd imagined it until it rang again followed by a knock on the window. He was finally here. And boy did he have some explaining to do.

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