Chapter 19 - Adaline

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Christmas Day was finally here. Adaline sat on the sofa, her mother in and out of consciousness beside her. Joshua beamed happily on the floor in front of them, surrounded by torn wrapping paper as he noisily played with the Paw Patrol toys Adaline had bought him. It was 9am and already the cottage was almost unrecognisable under the mountain of paper, boxes and opened presents. Adaline was pleased that everyone had seemed to enjoy their gifts. It would be a few more hours before Elliot would join them for dinner, Bonnielola spending Christmas with Laura and Boxing Day with her dad. Adaline couldn't wait to give him his present. They still hadn't kissed which she found to be disheartening, but her feelings had blossomed immensely over the weeks. She could see the change in him from their younger lives and respected the effort he put into their relationship - which they had officially declared it was. It had felt odd at first, referring to someone as a boyfriend after so many years married. Now, it felt as though he'd been in her life in this way for years. He still hasn't completely opened up to her about his past, had pretty much locked it up and thrown away the key since their encounter with the fortune teller, but she was patient. She knew he would when he felt ready.

With Dottie's snores and Joshua's Paw Patrol impersonations filling the living room, Mary and Adaline commandeered the kitchen so they could tackle the Christmas dinner. The extra large turkey had been slowly roasting since the night before, enticing everyone with its mouthwatering scent. Adaline could not wait to pick at the crispy skin as she did every year. She was thankful to Mary and her nonjudgmental manner as she gently guided Adaline through the various processes of cooking - something she had made her mission to learn. Tongue poking out, she attempted to make the batter for the Yorkshire puddings everyone adored, Mary inspecting with a nod every now and again. Batter prepared, she covered it with cling film and placed it in the fridge before setting to work on the vegetables. This at least she knew she was able to do well. The two women chattered amongst themselves as they washed, chopped and peeled everything they needed, filling numerous saucepans and roasting dishes. Elliot had made the women swear no one would attempt to make gravy until he arrived, it was the least he could do he'd exclaimed when Mary had tried to protest.

By 12pm Adaline was sweaty and covered in flour, desperate for a shower before Elliot arrived. Excusing herself she let herself groan in delight under the hot water, the aches in her body almost disappearing. She felt the all too familiar twinge between her thighs, cursing her lust for rearing it's head when her family sat laughing below her. Her mind and body fought for a moment, one wanting - no needing - release, the other listing all the reasons it was inappropriate. In the end her body won. She moaned as her fingers entered the wet of her inner thighs. Head leaning against the wall, she imagined finally having sex with Elliot. The passion, limbs flailing, breathless, hot sex they would share. His tongue on her body, fingers inside her. She brought herself to a climax, knees buckling beneath her. Hot, flustered and a little ashamed, she quickly washed and dried, pulling fresh pyjamas on because who gets dressed on Christmas Day unless they need to?

Elliot had arrived by the time she returned to the living room. He sat on the floor with Dean happily building a lego city while Joshua watched in awe. His eyes lot up when he saw her. Quickly jumping to his feet, he grabbed her hand and led her to the sofa, sitting her down gently.
"Present time," he announced a broad smile on his face and a large sack of gifts in his hands. Joshua ripped the paper excitedly.
"Cool! Look dad it's Tracker. I don't have him! Thanks Elliot,"
And just like that, Joshua ignored the adults as he fumbled with the packaging of his toy. Mary and Dean uttered their genuine thanks as they opened their gifts. Dottie, now awake and alert, floundered with the wrapping paper on her own gift, taking a few moments to rip it open. She let out a gasp before crying at the sight of it.
"Oh Elliot you shouldn't have! I love it, thank you" she sobbed, pulling him in for a deep hug. Proudly showing her canvas to her family and letting Dean take it so he could hang it up, Dottie silently cried - deeply touched by the thought Elliot had placed in her present.
He shifted uncomfortably as he handed Adaline her gift and card. He watched her, surveying her expression as she first opened the card and squealed kicking her legs in delight. His breath caught as she opened her present.
"Oh Elliot! I love it. Thank you,"
He released his breath, relief flooding him as she sniffed the pages of the hardback Jane Austen boxset one by one. She stood on her toes, placing a soft kiss on his cheek as she slid his bag of presents into his hands. He blinked for a second, taken aback that she'd bought so much. His daughter's face smiled up at him, her brown eyes shimmering as though she were truly in front of him. He loved it. The watercolours caught him off guard. He could tell Adaline was nervous, she bit the edges of her nails in anticipation. He stared down at the gift again before pulling her into him and spinning her off the ground. She laughed loudly, glad he'd not been angry at her obvious snooping.
"Dinner's ready guys. Joshua go and wash your hands. No now!" Mary called from the kitchen. Joshua groaned as he slowly trudged to follow his mother's instructions while the adults raced one another to the food.

Everyone well fed, Dottie having eaten a few mouthfuls before excusing herself with a headache, they began to recite cheesy jokes from inside their Christmas crackers. Adaline, green paper crown on her head, grimaced at Elliot as he read the joke from the tiny paper in his hand. It was so bad it hurt. Though, she had to admit she quite liked how positively regal he looked in his pink paper crown that fell over his eyes continuously. Joshua yawned on Mary's lap, the fun of the day taking its toll. Adaline herself was finding it a struggle to keep her eyes open. She was thankful she was able to spend the night with Elliot before they both spent the day with Bonnielola. Joshua was to sleep on a small camping bed in Dean's old room, sharing with his parents who would occupy the double bed. Snow had begun to fall outside, settling on the floor. A white Christmas for the first time since they were children. Adaline sighed happily. It really was the perfect Christmas, just like she'd hoped. The adults bade each other goodnight, a chorus of hugs shared amongst them before each retired to their designated bedroom. Adaline giggled as Elliot dove onto the bed next to her, pulling her into his arms his lips attacking her face as she squealed and wriggled from his grasp. Using her foot she pushed him backwards, sitting astride him. She knew he was ticklish, would scream like a child as soon as her fingers worked their way into his side.
"Don't you dare!" He laughed as she held out her hands a wicked smile on her face. Tears fell as he laughed uncontrollably, wriggling beneath her. Flipping her onto her back, the two panted faces close. She wanted him. Wanted to taste his lips. His face moved closer, inches from her own. Adaline silently begged for him, mouth suddenly dry. His lips claimed hers, parting them with his tongue. Adaline sighed, her tongue joining the dance her body melting into him. His lips became rougher against hers, desperate for her. He groaned, hand cupping the back of her head forcing her to be closer. Her hips thrusted towards him wetness dripping down her legs. His hands ripped at her pyjamas, buttons cascading noisily around the room, ripping the shirt from her body, hands finding her breasts with ease. A low gasp emitted from her mouth as his fingers kneaded her hardened nipple. His longing for her poked her stomach, throbbing through his jeans. She fumbled with the belt, unable to remove it without his help. In one fluid motion, Elliot tossed his underwear and jeans onto the floor. Naked before her Elliot was every bit the image she had imagined, muscles taut, his erection large in length and thickness.

Pushing him backwards her lips travelled down his torso, lingering over his erection before taking it in her mouth. Her tongue swirled as she sucked and gently nipped, her name a breathy whisper rolling off his lips. Her head bobbed, his fingers wrapped in her hair, forcing her to take his entire length. She gagged, saliva her mouth which she spat on him before taking him in her mouth once, eyes not leaving his face. She could feel him pulsating beneath her tongue, feel him getting closer and closer to climax. He pulled her mouth from him, rolling her over her face pushed into her pillow, body arched in front of him as his fingers soaked up the wetness. They gasped simultaneously as he entered her, their bodies rocking back and forth- Adaline moaning into her pillow as Elliot moved faster and harder behind her. His name escaped her as she came loose under his touch. He groaned, pulling her head back by her hair, hand gripping the back of her throat as he took her, claimed her. God how Adaline loved being fucked. How uncontrollably wet it made her. She moved her hips against his thrusts, until they both reached their climax, Elliot half collapsing on top of her. They lay together, covered in sweat a tangle of limbs panting. That was so worth the wait, Adaline mused, incredibly content in herself as they drifted to sleep entwined as one.

Only Dottie remained downstairs, the television quietly glowing in front of her. A broad smile spread on her face as she looked at the canvas Elliot had bought her hanging above her husband's ashes. She'd had a wonderful day, surrounded by the people she loved most in the world. Above her, feet shuffled around until there was nothing but silence. Nothing stirred, no one so much as sneezed. Everything was still. Her eyes began to feel heavy. She was finally ready. Closing her eyes, Dottie drew in her final breath, a smile permanently etched on her face as she reunited with her husband.

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