Chapter 25 - Adaline

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Adaline watched as Elliot sputtered and choked, sitting up to cough loudly breaking the awkward silence. I shouldn't have said anything.
"Why - why would we do that?"
Her face burned. She'd thought they were moving at the same pace, wanted the same things. How could she have been so wrong?
"Well it was just a thought. We're not getting any younger and life's too short to waste time. Don't worry about it, forget I said anything,"
She rolled over, legs drawn into her stomach, chest tight as tears filled her eyes. Elliot's face nuzzled into her neck.
"Hey, hey, hey. I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. It was a shock that's all. Not to mention this flat is awful and my landlord is an ass. You really wouldn't want to live here," he held her chin, making her look at him. With the pad of his thumb he wiped a tear still snaking it's way down her cheek. "Please don't do that. I really am sorry."
"I meant at mum's. I thought maybe you could move in. We could do a room up for Bonnielola too,"
His gaze softened. I want to go home, Adaline thought suddenly feeling incredibly self conscious.
"How about we talk about it all properly tomorrow. We can sleep on it and sort out our finances before we decide anything concrete. That's not a no. Oh please stop crying, I hate to see you upset,"
Nodding her defeat Adaline rolled back over saying nothing until sleep claimed her.

The air was thick the next morning, Adaline still saying nothing as Elliot desperately tried to entice conversation. After eating her fill of the full English breakfast Elliot had whipped up, Adaline made an excuse to go back to Dottie's. Meeting Dean and sorting out legalities she had claimed. Not entirely false, but not something she was due to do for a few more hours. With sagged shoulders and frown, Elliot kissed her goodbye, lingering a second longer than normal, before she climbed into the taxi she'd ordered rather than accepting Elliot's offer of a lift. Looking through the back window, Adaline watched his figure become smaller, still standing and watching her go. Hands furiously wiping his face, running through his hair. She watched him kick a dustbin over and cry into his hands before she could see him no more. A pang hit her chest.

The cottage was quiet. Too quiet. Adaline skulked about, unsure what to do with herself as she slurped her third cup of coffee that morning. She'd already cleaned the entire cottage, every nook and cranny dusted and polished, every cushion plumped. She'd even pulled the oven out and cleaned behind it until the once grease ridden walls shined back at her. She'd found her mother's old cookbooks and had decided to attempt what looked like a simple recipe - chocolate brownies. What had left the oven however was a blackened mess that she threw straight into the bin, her nose crinkling at the smell. Elliot had sent her a text, asking if she was okay and apologising again but she'd yet to respond. I'll message him in a second, she had said multiple times before becoming distracted with one task or another. After three hours of leaving him on read she knew she couldn't make him wait any longer.
Sorry; I've been deep cleaning and failing at baking. I'm okay, honestly. I'm just stressed from sorting everything out I think. It's not your fault. Dinner later? I'll try not to burn it lol:)
Her phone buzzed almost instantly as Elliot responded.
I can understand that, you know I'm here if you need me right? Dinner sounds lovely. If it's burnt we'll just get take out lol xxx

Pulling the lid off the casserole dish Adaline gagged. This definitely was not how Dottie made her stew. Moving the dish to one side Adaline slumped onto a chair at the dining table. I should get cooking lessons. Her inheritance should cover the number of lessons she'd need to successfully make something other than baked beans on toast or spaghetti bolognese. It still baffled her how she could be the only one in her family who lacked the ability to make something edible. Even Joshua had learned how to make cupcakes and brownies, albeit from a packet but still, it was better than anything she tried whipped up. The doorbell rang, Elliot's silhouette visible through the window.
"It's open!"
He walked toward her, large bouquet of pink, yellow and orange flowers hiding his face. He held them out sheepishly, watching as she sniffed the petals before hunting for a vase.
"These are gorgeous! Thank you," planting a kiss on his cheek she spoofed the flowers until a delicate display was made. At least I can keep flowers alive for a few days, she thought with a giggle. That had to be worth something? The secret ingredient, which she'd never tell a soul, was a copper coin hidden at the bottom of the vase. She'd read it once on Pinterest and had since followed the tip. She wasn't entirely certain it actually did anything, but she liked to think so.

Crinkling his nose at the mess Elliot laughed.
"Am I right to assume it's takeaway tonight?"
Blushing, she nodded disposing the contents of the casserole dish into the bin. The pair got to work, Adaline tidying the worktops while Elliot scrubbed the casserole dish, scraping burnt food from the base until it sparkled.
"Chinese?" Adaline looked up from her phone screen, Elliot still searching for local takeaway shops on his own phone.
"Indian maybe?" She suggested. Chinese often left her with stomach cramps and she didn't quite fancy the chance. It was Elliot's turn to pull a face.
"Gives me gas. Pizza?"
"Mmm, that depends on what topping you have?"
"I'll eat most pizza, just not Hawaiian. Pineapple does NOT go on pizza," Elliot waved a hand dismissing the notion. Agreement reached, Elliot placed the order. Settling for a movie night, the couple flicked through the movie channels Sky had to offer trying to find something they could agree on. Nothing too scary Adaline had requested. No cliche romance crap Elliot had begged. How to Train Your Dragon became their film of choice, both equally excited as Hiccup appeared on the screen. Curled into Elliot, Adaline smiled. So they might not live together for a while, at least they could enjoy each other's company. Watch movies designed for children together and laugh until their sides hurt. When the pizza finally arrived they were both wiping tears, holding their stomachs as the cartoon characters paraded around.

Movie and food finished, Elliot began to tidy up while Adaline searched for something else to watch.
"You alright in there?" She called hearing a thud followed by Elliot cursing.
"Yeeep. All good, just stubbed my toe,"
Covering her mouth to suppress her laughter, Adaline clicked on Love Actually. Elliot might not like chick flicks, but everyone loved Alan Rickman she told herself. She smiled triumphantly as he sat down next to her rubbing his hands together.
"I love this film! Liam Neeson is my man," he had said reaching an arm across the back of the sofa. Adaline fell asleep before the credits rolled, curled into a ball with her head on Elliot's lap. He had draped a throw over her part way through the movie not wanting to miss a moment nor wake her. With the movie now finished, he pulled her into his arms and carried her carefully up the stairs to the spare bedroom - neither particularly wanting to sleep in Dottie's old room at least until it had been redecorated. She mumbled softly into him as he placed her on her side of the bed. Climbing beside her, he quickly fell asleep himself. Back to back both slept soundly.

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