12 ---- Hoddie Jealousy and.. Confession..?

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Kong's POV

Today was the last school day for us in this week. My Uncles and Aunties went back to their homes yesterday night. I woke up before the alarm and freshened up. I did not know what to wear and decided to sneak into my brothers room and select one from their dresses. I peaked into Phi Singto's room, he was still in his room.. so were Phi Off and Phi Bright. I peaked into Phi Tay's room, he wasn't there so I silently went inside and opened his closet. I took a white hoddie and went back to my room to get ready.

Once I was done wearing his hoodie.. I debated a little cause it was very long to me but finally decided to wear it as it felt good. I took my school bag and went down.
"Good Morning." I greeted Por and Forthy who were reading paper sitting on the sofa.
"Morning baby.. you are ready already..?" Por asked while Forthy smiled at me.
"Khab.. I woke up early.." I said as I kept my bag to the side.

"Por.. Forthy.. look at my dress." I said as I went and stood in front of Por and Forthy.
"You look cute but don't you think it is a little bit long to you..?" Por asked.
"Yup.. it is long but I won't complain... you really look cute baby boy." Forth said as he pulled me closer to me.
"Let me tell you a secret.. this isn't mine." I whispered to both of them.
"Wait.. this is Tay's right.?" Por said as he observed the hoodie.
"Khab.. I peaked inside his closet and stole it." I said to which they chuckled.

We spoke for a while waiting for the rest to come down. When they came we started having our breakfast which Phi Nahm prepared. I was waiting for Sunshine's reaction but he was a little busy and hasn't noticed me yet.
"Sunshinee.." I called him.
"Yes little bear." He replied but hasn't seen me as he kept his eyes fixed on his phone. Everyone noticed it except him and were laughing silently as I pouted.
"Why are you laughing..?" Sunshine asked everyone and then looked at me.

"Hey.. isn't that my hoodie..?" He said when he finally noticed me.
"Great sherlock.. finally you found out.. my baby Simba has been waiting to see your reaction." Phi Forth said and then laughed again making me pout.
"Aww my baby.. I always dreamed about you stealing my hoodies and here it is happening finally." He said as he came and pinched my cheeks.

"You are very very cute baby..." He said and kissed my forehead. I smiled at his reaction.
"Next time you are wearing my hoodie.. I am gonna select a nice one for my little bear." Phi Sing said.
"I will steal all your hoodies or shirts or t-shirts... you guys better hide them if you don't want me to steal them." I said looking at everyone to which they chuckled. After our breakfast we made our way to school where I as usual met Em. I skipped a few classes without anyone finding out in order to complete the portraits. I even added my uncle, aunts and cousins into the family portrait.

I was done with the main pencil part before lunch. I joined lunch as usual not wanting to create a doubt to Phi Singto. He doesn't like the idea of me skipping classes.
"You look cute in this oversized hoodie Kong." Phi Arthit whispered in my ear suddenly as he sat down beside me. I felt a different emotion which made me shy.
"It's been a while since you wore oversized hoodies right... I remember you used to wear mine back at old school." Phi Plustor said.

"Khab... you know I still have your pink shade hoodie.. I wear it at home." I replied.
"The pink one you wore on the first day you came here is his..?" Phi Off asked.
"Khab.. I love that.. I normally borrowed his or Phi Na's hoodies but this one I kept for myself cause I loved it." I replied. I looked at Phi Arthit who was having a weird expression.
"I am going to get you a hoodie of ours for weekend outing.. I bet you will love it." Phi Smile said.
"Really..?" I asked excitedly.
"Yup.. cause it has minions on it." Phi Prem said. I jumped in my place excitedly making everyone laugh and coo at the same time. It made me shy.

After lunch, I went and submitted my Art homework where I drew an individual portrait of Por and then went to class cause Phi Off and Phi Bright were going to be in the same class. The next hour was free so I made my way to the art class and continued giving the touch ups needed. That was when Phi Arthit came. My heart started beating faster just at his sight.

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