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✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
👣Moving Forward👣
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

"Charlotte," a mellow, mellifluous melody echoed.

Charlotte surveyed her blurred surroundings, which gradually sharpened with concentration. She could make out the familiar shores of Cair Paravel, as she had arrived in Narnia in the first place. Then, her eyes fell on two orphic, familiar figures by the shoreline, hand in hand.

They greeted her back with sweet, saccharine smiles on their faces. The more she concentrated on the mysterious mirages, the more she could make out their faces. Charlotte was awestruck, a wave of euphoria washing over her in a moment of epiphany.

They donned majestic medieval robes with their respective crowns, gazing at her endearingly. She glanced at the lady who reached her arms out. She could not care less if it was a dream, she was staring at the very people she had yearned to meet again.

"Mum... Dad...." A gigantic grin grew on her face, and she took a few steps forward hesitantly.

Steps soon shifted into leaps. Bursting with energy, she broke into a sprint towards them, repeatedly calling out to them.

"I can't believe it!" She leaped into her mother's arms, embracing her tightly.

Her father encased them in his arms, and they all lowered towards the sandy ground. The deafening silence was sufficient to convey her emotions, and her eyes flooded with tears.

"Oh, princess," Queen Audrey sighed, "you've been so strong."

"And very courageous," King Simon added, sounding very assured, "you've made us, and Aslan, proud."

But Charlotte did not feel the same. She glanced up at them with tears, simply shaking her head in shame.

"But bad things have happened, and I don't know what to do. I'm stuck."

"Trust in Aslan, child," King Simon's gentle voice soothed her, "all the answers will continue to unfold. He will never leave you in the dark, as long as you keep moving forward."

"I miss you so much..."

She felt a warm kiss placed on her forehead before her parents rose on their knees. The evanescence of their warmth left her empty, yearning to feel their touch again. Their fingers intertwined before they glanced out at sea.

"Mum, dad?" Charlotte attempted to hold her mother's hand, only for her own hand to suddenly fall right through. "Huh?"

They were just in an embrace moments ago, yet they were completely invisible to her touch. Charlotte stared at them, gradually gaining consciousness of her own dream.

The couple set off towards the shores, much to her horror. She chased them, desperate to bring them back. But with every step Charlotte took, it seemed that they only gained in speed, the gap between them only increasing.

"Wait, no, don't go!" She dropped to her knees amidst the waves, "Mum! Dad! Stay with me!"

They never once glanced back, getting further out of her reach.

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