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✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
💭Strike or Hide💭
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Charlotte entered the room full of creatures shifting about anxiously. It was filled with chatters and whispers. Her eyes were then greeted by large, heavenly ones in a corner. He beckoned towards her to come over to him, simultaneously patting some space on the earthly debris he sat on.

Even when he had a serious look plastered on his face, she thought it decorated his face exquisitely. It was absurd, she thought to herself. She forced herself to shake off all the thoughts of him. After all, bigger issues took precedence.

"Now," Peter began, bringing the murmurs to a halt, "I know you're all wondering why I've called everyone in for a meeting."

"Some of you may have even heard on the grapevine what this meeting is about," he added, turning his head to the prince, "Tell them, Caspian."

Silence spread through the atmosphere, that one would have been able to hear a pin drop.

Caspian scanned the room, realising that all eyes were fixated on him. All the Narnians, who trusted him, a Telmarine, anticipated what he had to say. His shoulders relaxed as a sigh escaped his lips, deciding to bring it to them straight.

"Telmarine soldiers were spotted today," he informed, "they're spying on us."

This instigated panicky whispers among the crowd. They glanced at one another, and it was not long before the whispers soon exploded into a rambling chaos.

"What are we going to do?!" A squirrel, known by everyone as Pattertwig, beseeched hysterically, tugging at his ears.

"They've got an advantage now," Nikabrik, one of the dwarves, shook his head in disapproval, "we're doomed."

"Now, now, we've still got time," the badger, whom Charlotte now knew as Trufflehunter, spoke rationally, "let's not assume this is over."

"How much time?" Nikabrik challenged back.

"Where were they?" The chivalrous rodent, whom Charlotte now knew as Reepicheep, drew out his fencing sword, "I'd sneak up on them and let them
have it if I ever spot them!"

"I can take them all down in seconds, as I have before!" Courage strings his words.

"What if he's been sending them information?" One of the creatures accused, jabbing a paw in Caspian's direction.

Some of the crowd began jeering, hurling insults at the prince.

"Banish him!"

Charlotte's blood boiled hearing that and she pushed herself up.

"Quiet!" Susan bellowed.

"His own uncle is out to kill him," Charlotte spoke, "he's already banished from his own castle."

"And you lot want to banish him from our fortress?" She scoffed, "Where would he go? Where's your compassion? Shame on you lot, Aslan would be disappointed."

The crowd fell silent. Edmund slowly reached for her hand, tugging it lightly. Charlotte took his cue to sit, displeased at their conspiracies.

"Caspian needs our help," Edmund agreed, "he wouldn't set himself up like this."

Caspian sent him a look of gratitude, nodding with respect.

"Look," Peter began, "I know everyone is worried. They know where we're hiding now."

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