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✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
☠️Suffering Defeat☠️
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

Edmund's feet was rooted to the concrete floor, cornered in a tower on the edge of the castle. The door vibrated vigorously, losing its defence against the guards.

His blood pressure elevated, sending a rush through his veins. Desperate for an escape route, he scanned possible angles anxiously as time slipped through his fingers like sand. He wished he had remained at the battle site where he could keep an eye out for his loved ones.

"Get it open!"

"I'm trying! It's budging!"

The wooden door finally busted open, snapping its wooden lock in half. The two guards positioned their swords at him, exchanging sinister grins with each other. Edmund stepped back on the edge of the tower slowly, completely aware that he was sandwiched between two death scenarios. It was only a matter of seconds before he decided which was less excruciating.

He peeked over his shoulder at the deep abyss, then at the guards, who anticipated his surrender. With an oddly calm expression, he ensured that their eyes were fixated on him. Then, without another word, he took his last step, giving way to gravity.

The two guards exchanged glances, absolutely flabbergasted at the unexpected turn of events. They rushed towards the edge, searching through the thick mists. Out of the blue, they were abruptly blown away by a gryphon soaring upwards into the sky. Edmund smirked triumphantly at them, apparently having the last laugh.

Soaring over the castle grounds, he scouted for the rest. The night was eerily silent. He could only hear the faint breeze of the wind as if the castle had returned to its slumber. Had the battle ceased? Did they defeat Miraz? He would have heard cheers and celebrations.

To his horror, the ground was filled with dead bodies. A million thoughts ran through his unsettled mind. He scanned all over the castle grounds for Charlotte. But she was nowhere to be found. Perhaps she made it out. Some of the Narnians were alive and no longer attacked by the archers. They merely waited in silence, which he failed to make sense of. Were they held as hostages?

Finally, a sense of familiarity comforted him as he caught a glimpse of Peter on a horse. He caught up to the High King galloping away from the castle, gliding over him. Susan rushed to embrace him as soon as he landed. Peter joined in, encasing them endearingly. Alas, they were reunited as one family.

"What's going on? Where's Charlotte?" Edmund questioned frantically, with his hands firmly placed on Susan's shoulders.

However, she only stared at him in despair. Her lips remained shut, and not one sound came out of her. She took his hands off her shoulder slowly, her gaze shifting from his eyes to their hands.

A light object dropped onto his palm. He peered down at a bracelet. Decorated with primroses and oak tree leaves, he knew it could only belong to Charlotte.

He met Susan's gaze, his beleaguered eyes slowly becoming glassy and wet. She pressed her lips as if she was withholding information. His eyes widened in skepticism. He shook his head, refusing to accept that the only thing left of her was her bracelet, which delicately sat in his palm.

"Susan," Edmund cried out in disbelief, as he clenched the piece of jewellery, "where is she?!"

When Susan refused to answer, he shifted his attention to Glenstorm. Edmund took a few steps, surveying their troops in search of her. He wanted to find her amongst them. He needed to. Even Glenstorm refused to meet his gaze, afraid of the Just King losing his rational thought. The rest of their troops, including Nikabrik, and Reepicheep, avoided him. None came forward to reveal the girl.

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