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She stared out at the night sky, which was filled with dark mists and thick fogs instead of stars and the moon. Her eyes were filled with horror, observing the giant metal aircraft that flew by. When exactly did life change for Charlotte Baker?

It seemed like years since she was enjoying school and playing with other children, and now, she was fearing for her life in a war zone. She could barely sleep, wondering when her death would come. Just then, she saw from a far distance, a giant ball dropping from the sky rapidly. She placed her hands over her ears and shut her eyes tightly, blocking out the loud booming sound of an explosion.

"Charlotte? Charlotte dear!" A panicky voice called before the door swung open behind her.

"Come on, Charlotte, get away from the window," her mother urged, tugging on her hand and pulling her away.

"We've got to get to the bomb shelter, come on dear."

Charlotte followed suit, as her mother never once let go of her hand. Then, her eyes widened as she realised she had forgotten to bring something along with her. She forced her hand from her mother's grip, instantaneously turning around and rushing back to the house.

"Charlotte, come back!" Her mother screamed, following after her.

Charlotte ignored her mother's cries and continued running. Her heart pounded loudly, thinking about the bombs that could be dropping nearby at any moment. She rushed to the tabletop in the living room and grabbed hold of her family portrait placed neatly in a picture frame.

"Charlotte!" Her mother called, fiercely gripping her once more.

Her mother then pulled Charlotte, running back out the house. Just in time, they had reached the bomb shelter and her mother hurriedly locked the door behind them. Charlotte quickly ran to the old bed sitting at the corner of the bomb shelter.

"What were you thinking, Charlotte?!" Her mother fumed, her breathing quick and deep.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Charlotte whispered guiltily, clutching the picture frame closely to her chest.

"You're my only child! You could have been killed!" Her mother raged, practically tearing her hair out.

Charlotte shut her eyes, but the tears flowed and streamed down her cheeks. She kept the picture frame of her family close to her chest, weeping silently.

Upon realising that her daughter was in an emotional state, Mrs Baker softened and sighed to herself. She approached her daughter, sitting on the bed and reaching her arms out to embrace her dearly.

"I'm sorry for being hard on you," she apologised, gently holding Charlotte, "I just wouldn't know what I'd do if I lost you. You're my princess. I couldn't bear the thought."

Charlotte's sobs reached a crescendo, and she rested her head on her mother's chest. Her mother enveloped her with her arms.

"I miss him," she wept, sniffing loudly.

"I know, princess," Mrs Baker cooed gently, stroking her daughter's hair, "I miss him too."

Charlotte glanced at the picture frame of her and her family when she was younger. She stroked with a finger over her father's picture, with her vision all blurry with tears. A tear fell from her eye, landing straight onto her father's face in the picture.

Mrs Baker's heart sank looking at her emotional state. She knew that Charlotte missed her father terribly, and could not bear to think what would happen if he did not come back. None of them wanted to think about that. The thought of it was much too painful to bear.

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