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✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
🏞The Realm of Narnia🏞
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Soon, the train vanished into thin air. There was no more train station, no more hustling and bustling crowds, and no more England. It had gone quiet.

The atmosphere became tranquil, as Charlotte could hear the soft whispers of the wind and waves splashing aggressively from a distance. She could smell its seawater from where they were standing, and feel her shoes shuffling on sand. Before them stood a bright sandy beach. The five of them stood still together in an earthly tunnel, slowly letting each other's hands go, emerging towards the sandy beach. Charlotte could not believe her eyes - she was really here.

"Wow..." She whispered, taking in the gorgeous view before her.

The Pevensies looked at her, realising she had followed them. Brushing aside their perplexity on how she managed to follow them into this realm, they exchanged knowing looks that she embodied the same feeling of admiration they initially had when they stumbled into Narnia for the first time.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Edmund asked her with a knowing smile, looking at the beaches ahead.

"It is..." Charlotte nodded in agreement, taking step after step out of the cave with them following behind, "it's just like walking right into a dream."

"Welcome to Narnia, Charlotte," Lucy announced.

"You've been here before?" Charlotte asked.

"We have," Susan confirmed, "it was all thanks to Lucy. She discovered it first."

"Oh, it's even better than how I imagined it to be," Charlotte sighed, taking in the fresh air.

This sent the Pevensie siblings into utter confusion.

"Hang on, you know about Narnia too?" Peter enquired, astonished at her choice of words.

Charlotte looked back at the four of them, and slowly nodded her head. They looked back at her, puzzled, wondering how she could have known about Narnia when it was her first time visiting.

"I've heard of this place," she claimed, much too casually for them.

"You have?" Edmund looked back and forth between her and his siblings, whom he exchanged perplexed glances with.

Charlotte confirmed with another nod, "My mother used to tell me stories."

"Your mother?" Susan repeated, "She's been here before?"

"My parents met here in Narnia, and went on an adventure together," Charlotte revealed.

"That sounds beautiful," Lucy remarked, a wide grin spreading across her face.

Charlotte smiled at her and turned around, standing still, looking out at the sea. Not a word came out of her mouth.

Lucy and Susan shared looks with each other, exchanging smiles. Without warning, they both bolted past her, sprinting cheerfully across the beach.

Peter playfully pushed Edmund back, and made a dash after the girls, laughing away.

"Come on, Charlotte!" Edmund prompted her, lightly pulling her hand, before he let go and continued running after his siblings.

Charlotte broke into a grin and giggled, following after him.

"Shame you're not as quick as me, Ed!" Peter mocked.

"Last one in's a rotten egg!" Susan declared.

"Looks like Charlotte's going to be the last one!" Edmund celebrated gleefully, looking back at her.

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