"That thing down there, the liquid, Rose, Juliet, it can talk!", He exclaims.

"You're stinking! Doctor, they kept him alive!", Juliet shouts.

"Yeah, that was always a possibility. Keep him alive to maintain the copy.", He says.

"You knew?", Juliet asks.

"Wow. That's cold. Cold as ice.", She mutters to herself.

"Not now, Jules.", Rose says sweetly to her girlfriend before turning to shout at the Doctor.

"You knew that and you never said?!"

"Can we keep the domestic outside, thank you?", The Doctor responds.

Rose and Juliet help Mickey to his feet while the Doctor approaches the Consciousness.

Suddenly, Juliet holds her ankle and falls to the ground crying out in pain.

"Jules? W-what's wrong, Sweetheart? What is it?", Rose asks, kneeling next to her.

"My ankle. I think i- (Winces) I think I sprained it. And then w- ah! And then we ran. I shouldn't have put- ah ah ah! I shouldn't have put weight on it. The adrenaline was- ow. The adrenaline was masking the pain.", She explains.

"Oh Baby. We have to get you out of here.", Rose says.


Rose looks at her weird.

"I'll be fine. We can worry about it later.", Juliet insists.

The Doctor's voice can be heard from behind them.

"Am I addressing the Nestene Consciousness? Thank you. If I might observe, you infiltrated civilization by means of warped, shunt technology. So, may I suggest, with the greatest respect, that you shunt off?"

Rose is forced to agree to Juliet's insistence upon hearing a negative sounding gloober from the consciousness.

"Oh don't give me that, it's an invasion! Plain and simple! Don't talk about constitutional rights!", The Doctor can be heard again.

The plastic rears what would appear to be it's head angrily.

"I... am... talking! This planet is just starting. These stupid little people have only just learnt how to walk, but they're capable of so much more. I'm asking you on their behalf - please, just go."

Two Auton's approach the Doctor from behind.

"Doctor!", Rose and Juliet shout.

The Auton's grab him. One of them takes the anti-plastic out of his jacket pocket.

"That was just insurance! I wasn't going to USE it.", The Doctor tries to explain.

The plastic globbers angrily.

"I was not attacking you. I'm here to help. I'm not your enemy. I swear, I'm not... what do you mean?", The Doctor tries to defend himself but it's no use. The plastic has made it's mind up.

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