"Yum," he mumbles as he eyes every dish on the table, mouthwatering in anticipation. 

Yibo laughed at the omega's reaction, it looks like the omega was still in a daze that he decided to scoop on one dish and put it on the omega's plate. "You should eat now, stop staring at it," he teased, scooping in another dish and adding in Zhan's plate.

"Don't mind if I do!" he giggles like a kid, grabbing his chopsticks and spoon. He doesn't know if it's the exhaustion making him want to gobble food or because it looks delicious, either way, he ate deliciously that Yibo can't stop watching him, he might even take a picture of him and Zhan won't even realize.

"You too, son, eat," Yibo unconsciously uttered, giving Sean a scoop. 

"Tenchu, uncle Bo!" the kid innocently answered and started gobbling up the food just like Zhan.

Yibo looked at his beloved and son with fondness in his eyes, 'I can't wait to be family with them already,' he thought. 


The dinner is done with their satisfied faces, the Zhan and Sean are because of the food while Yibo wasn't able to eat properly but he was so much happy to witness them all deliciously eating. 

"I should go," Yibo uttered after wiping his hands on the apron. He insisted to wash the utensils they used even though Zhan argued with him with that, in the end, he won over. 

Zhan turns his head to the alpha who's now removing his apron. "Won't you stay longer?" he innocently asked. 

Yibo's cheeks immediately felt warm, 'H-he want me to stay longer?' he mentally cried in happiness in that invitation, but of course, he knew how tired Zhan so he just decided to get going to his son and Zhan can rest.

He was about to answer when a loud sound rumbled outside followed by the sound of the heavy rain. Yibo's jaw dropped, just what in the world happened? A while ago, the weather is nice and now it just suddenly rains???

Zhan eyed looked at the window then back at Yibo, "You still going? You can just stay," he declares. 

What choice does he have anyway? It's heavily raining outside, even if he goes back to the inn by umbrella he won't be able to get past the muddy road. "I- I guess I'll stay," he answers, sighing.

Zhan's heart leaps, but of course, he will deny it to himself and shrug off what he is feeling. "The guest room is open," he smiled in triumph. 


"I already put Sean to sleep," Yibo uttered, coming out from Zhan's bedroom. Zhan turned his head at him smiling, mouthing a thank you before turning his attention back to the television.

"What are you watching?" The alpha asked, making his way to the living room and sitting at the other side of the sofa. 

"Movie," the omega simply answered, eyes focused on the television. 

Yibo eyeing the television only to see the movie they starred in together playing. He smiled. Why is the omega suddenly acting like this? It makes his heart jump in joy, his stomach churning in bliss, and his lips that can't stop smiling. "You missed acting?" Yibo suddenly asks, not giving the omega an eye. 

Zhan chuckles, "I act every time I'm in class tho, how can I teach them properly if I myself don't execute?" he replies, eyes focused on the television. 

Yibo chuckles with him, " I guess so. I want to see you some time," he declares making the omega laugh. 

"Nah, I'm not as good as before anymore."

The night was full of laughs and bickers while the movie plays on the television. Just like the old days, they discuss the faults and mistakes they commit in the movies they starred in. Until the room felt silent, the television was still running in the background. Yibo looked at the man beside him whose head is already swaying and eyes slowly drooping. It seems like he's about to fall asleep. 

And Yibo was right, Zhan collapsed sideways, head resting on Yibo's lap. Yibo chuckles softly at the sight of the omega. His mouth is slightly open, and already sleeping peacefully. Yibo watched him fondly, how adorable he is when he's sleeping defenseless. 

"You're still beautiful as ever..." he mutters, brushing the omega's hair. It was soft and fluffy. "Should I bring you to your room?" he asked, voice soft. And as if the omega heard him, Zhan unconsciously wrapped his arms around Yibo's waist, nuzzling on his stomach as hums in his sleep.

Yibo's cheeks flushed red, panicking inside his head. "W-why are you being like this?" he grumbles. He doesn't know what to do, Zhan's so cute that it'll be a waste if he wakes him up, or when he carries him to his room he might suddenly wake up. 

He sighs, looking for a reason to stay in that position longer, then he eyed the television who's still rolling. "Right, I'll just finish watching this and I'll carry him back to his room," he said to himself. Running his fingers to Zhan's soft hair, disregarding his ranging in happiness heart, while the omega sleeps comfortably and peacefully on his lap.


A/N: Yo, that's so lame. lmao, I hate myself HAHHAHAH btw, sorry for not updating yesterday, I was busy with school works that I thought I can finish in one day but unfortunately, I didn't. having ADHD sucks lol. anyways, I'm not sure if I will be able to update tomorrow, cause I'll be attending a family reunion, wherein they'll bring our great-grandmother back here in the barrio where she was born. So yeah, I'm sorry for not updating consistently. :(

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