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Oh no oh no, Luca thought to himself, running his hands through his hair, staring at the tabloid with pictures of him and Liandra everywhere

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Oh no oh no, Luca thought to himself, running his hands through his hair, staring at the tabloid with pictures of him and Liandra everywhere.

The first thing he thought about was calling Mo, and that's what he did.

She answers the phone, clearly having been woken up by his call. "Hello?" She mumbled sleepily.

"Hi bambina," he says smiling gently, momentarily forgetting the purpose of his call before snapping out of it. "I know you saw the tabloids but please wait for me to get back so I can explain myself," he rambled desperately.

"What tabloids?" Mo asks clearly confused.

"Okay, so you haven't seen it yet, please don't open on news about me, I want you to hear my side of the story first before you get mad, I will be there tonight," he rambled on.

"I thought you weren't coming back till the weekend?" She asks clearly confused.

"I'll explain everything when I get there, just please trust me and stay out of news about me," he begged desperately.

"Ok?" She says skeptically

"Great, I'll talk to you later." He says before ending the call and preparing for his flight.

Mo stares at the bright screen skeptically before seeing a message from Bianca, it was a link to a tabloid...about Luca.

She exits the chat without another thought, wanting to respect Luca's wishes.

On the whole flight back , Luca stared warily at the articles, he normally didn't, but he was praying to God that at the end of this, he would still have Mo by his side.

"Luca?" She asks opening her door to see her boyfriend. She could tell he had been stressed, his hair was messy, going to show that he had been running his hands through his hair, something he does when he is stressed and all she wanted to do was comfort him. "Hi baby," she says before planting a kiss on his lips while be stands frozen in his spot.

"Why didn't you kiss me back?" She asks looking over his face.

"I need to show you something bambina," he says.

"Okay? Then come in," she says stepping aside for him to enter. The two end up on her couch, sitting silently before Luca decided to break the silence.

"Read this," Luca says showing her the article from his phone.

"I thought-" Mo starts confused.

"Just read it bambina," he urges.

"Okay," she say before reading the article.

Luca studied her face carefully as she read through the article, her eyebrows arched in confusion at the beginning, but her face quickly shifts to anger and disgust. "Why are you showing me this," she asks with a look of disgust, looking from Luca to the picture of the two getting into the taxi together.

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