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Although the trip to Italy was fun and all, it was time to go back to their usual lives.

The newlyweds where on their honeymoon enjoying some quality time in Hawaii, whilst the rest went back to their usual lives.

"So, did anything interesting happen in Italy?" Bianca asks Monique.

"Nope," Mo says nonchalantly continuing with the task at hand.

"Are you sure, not even a one night stand?"

"Mmmhmhm," she says shaking her head, looking through client documents.

"I know you're lying," she says wiggling a brow at her friend.

Letting out a breath of defeat, she looks up from the documents. "Okay maybe I had a one night stand."

"No way, tell me all about it," she fangirls, taking a seat.

"How about we talk about it over lunch at Sô dé vocé, my treat," she suggested.

"Great, cause lord knows I can't afford that expensive restaurant with the student loans."


"Doctor Morelli, it's great to see you back,"

"Mr David you don't have an appointment, what's going on, is Andre okay?" Monique asks.

"No no, don't worry Doctor, Andre is just fine," he says making Mo take a breath of relief.

"So how can I help you?" Mo asks taking a seat.

"I brought you some roses," he says removing his hand from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of violet roses.

"Nchoow, thank you, they are beautiful," she says taking the roses.

"Your welcome," he says taking a seat across from her.

"Mr David, I told you I'm not ready for a realationship."

"Jason," He corrected.

"Mr David, I'm not ready for a realationship," she says.

"And I told you I will wait until you are," he says

"Look, I don't wanna waste your time knowing I'm not ready, it's not fair to you. I...I can help you find a sweet girl. You deserve someone who will be as invested into the relationship as you."

"I'll let you get back to work," he says giving me a gentle smile before leaving.

"Oooo, these are beautiful roses, was it Jason?" Bianca asks coming into Mo's office.

"Mhm," she says putting them in a vase.

"The guy has been courting you for three years, when will you finally give him a chance?"

"Never, i told him I'm not looking for a relationship."

"Sweetheart, the fact that this man has been trying to go on a date with you for three years and he still hasn't given up is amazing, you don't find guys like that just anywhere, this man is in love with you, just give him a chance, do you know how many girls would kill to have a guy like him," Bianca says

"How about you go out with him?"


"Yeah. You want a guy like Jason right, who better than Jason himself."

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