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𝐴𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛 𝑃𝑂𝑉

𝐷id I mention that I hated the heat and the sun?

No? Good, because I hated them like the plague. You know that feeling when you're running and your thighs rub together? Terrible...

And my short sleep shorts did nothing to stop it.

Humming, I hopped into the bathroom and was about to take off my sleeping clothes when my door burst open and Chiara rushed in. As always, she wore a bright smile and her athletic body was in tight-fitting shorts and bra.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my curves and everything about my body, but I had insecurities too. Especially when a person with a model figure stood in front of me and stared at me.

Only then did I realise that I was only wearing panties. I quickly folded my arms over my breasts, but Chiara just winked and chirped, "Nothing I haven't seen before." Completely confused, I looked at her as she disappeared out of the bathroom, only calling after me to hurry up as we were, once again, going to train.

Another thing I hated. Sport. It was all well and good if you could defend yourself, but I was the kind of person who preferred to sit on the couch, stuffing ice cream into my mouth and making fun of people on TV.

Suddenly my good mood was gone and I grumpily got ready. A quick cat wash and then into fresh underwear.

In my room I saw that Chiara had made herself comfortable on my bed and was staring at her mobile phone. Next to her were sports clothes, which she pointed at without saying a word and then turned back to her mobile.

Grumbling, I pulled the shirt over my head and then put on my shorts. This time they were tight fitted and went down to my knees. Shaking my head, I ignored the way my head started to interfere and then tied my curls into a braid.

Winking, Chiara stood up and walked off. And let me say this. This woman ran like someone was chasing her. If she started running any faster, I was going to have to start jogging soon.

Downstairs in the gym I was already sweating because of this fucking heat.

From inside, there was the sound of banging and a few gasps now and then. Probably the boys were fighting again. Nothing new there.

Inside, Chiara had me do some warm-up exercises first and then showed me how to stretch properly. After almost a week I still hadn't managed to stretch properly.

After half an hour we finally finished and in my opinion I shouldn't have continued at all, I was already so exhausted. But well, in contrast to the beginning, I was already a bit better.

Today seemed to be my lucky day, because Lorenzo was so busy that I was allowed to train with, drum roll please, Matteo.

And the way he looked at me, he was even more excited than I was. And something else told me that he wanted to break a few bones with pleasure.

Swallowing, I joined him on the mat and he didn't waste a second before he started to come at me. Only by ducking and stumbling steps backwards could I avoid his blows, or even just by pure luck.

But one moment I lost my grip and the next moment I felt his hand on my collarbone. Grinding, I gave in and gasped for air. My collarbone cracked and not only that. He had simultaneously pressed his finger into the hollow of my throat.

Gasping, I rubbed the bruised area and so quickly Matteo couldn't see, I was on my feet again and took a swing. With a clear slap, my hand landed on his cheek and, as if in slow motion, I saw his head turn to the side and a handprint form on the hit cheek.

Satisfied, I looked into his hazel green eyes and pointed my index finger accusingly at him.

"I don't know what your problem is with me, but do that again and I'll think of other ways to hurt you."

Matteo was about to say something when Chiara grabbed me by the elbow and pulled me behind her. I didn't know whether to think that was bad or good, because I would have liked to hit him again. Simply because he was annoying me and it had felt good. (A/N: At this point a small comment: In real life I do not support violence in any way. Whether against men or women).

Chiara's hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me around the corner, which I probably would have run into if she hadn't pulled me behind her.

We came to a stop at the other end of the corridor and without letting go of my wrist she opened the door.

I was immediately enveloped by a pleasant cold and the smell of oil, gunpowder and pine trees? My gaze went straight to a certain person who was watching us with an amused look. If you could call that look amused.

Without me noticing, Chiara let go of my wrist and closed the door behind her. Now it was just Lorenzo and me in this room full of weapons.

A lump formed in my throat and with shaky steps I walked towards a stand and stroked the weapon lying there. Just as my fingers wrapped around the weapon, I felt a presence behind me. Shuddering, I exhaled as Lorenzo's long fingers closed around my right hand holding the gun.

Without a word he lifted my arm and then pressed lightly against the crook of my elbow so that my arm was slightly bent. Then he turned my hand straighter and further up and already his warmth disappeared from my back. Only to return a moment later. This time something heavy settled over my shoulder.

And just when I thought he was finally, finally, stepping back from me his hands closed around my waist.

My right arm sagged, but he made a tsk sound and rubbed circles on my hip bones with his thumbs. "Tieni il braccio in alto, tesoro."

-->Keep your arm up, darling.

His warm breath brushed past my ear as he whispered the words. My legs turned to jello as the rough timbre of his voice sent shivers down my spine.

With his hands still on my hips, he turned me a little and then let one hand wander down my leg, only to place it between them. I stopped breathing and my heart skipped a beat as he brushed his fingertips along my inner thigh and his breath tickled my back.

A soft laugh rang out as he suddenly squeezed the flesh on my thigh and then opened my legs.

"Scommetto che se ti infilassi le dita nei pantaloni in questo momento, troverei solo bagnato."

--> I bet if I stuck my fingers down your panties right now, I'd find wetness.

The heaviness settled back into my abdomen and, embarrassed, I felt my panties getting wetter at his words. My breath also betrayed me as my chest rose and fell unevenly.

Lorenzo's closeness acted like a heavy blanket on my back. When his hands wandered up again, I could have sworn one had brushed along my breast as he rested my shoulder for his satisfaction.

And then finally, finally, he moved away from me and stood beside me at a comfortable distance.

I took one deep breath before focusing on the target. With a deep breath I put my finger to the trigger and then as I exhaled I pulled the trigger. I waited a moment before lowering my arm slightly and Lorenzo brought the target closer. When I saw where I had hit, I couldn't suppress a smile. It wasn't the ten, but I had hit the line between the eight and the nine.

Half an hour later I had shot through a couple of targets and was about to start a new one when Ryan burst into the room and said something in Italian. The relaxed expression on Lorenzo's face a moment ago contorted into a mask of ice-cold rage and before I could say anything, he turned to me and said icily, "You stay here!"

And with those words, the two disappeared from the room, leaving me alone with their entire arsenal of weapons.

But who was I to listen to Lorenzo?

In retrospect, however, it would have been a good idea to listen to him, because then I could have saved myself a lot.

Here I am with another Update. I'm sorry I didn't uploaded anything but I wasn't sure what so.... here it is. And again thank you for 1550 Reads :)

Comments and Ideas are very welcomed <3

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