Two Different Lifes, Same Love

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chapter Five

Asterins POV


The general definition is simple.

An oppressive fearful feeling.

In science, it is a feeling that occurs when threatened.

In psychology, it's a feeling of "eeriness" and "being exposed".

Many people would tell you that humanity would not have lasted as long as it has without fear.

Others would tell you that fear occurs in weak people.

But for me it was something quite different.

People could be afraid of animals, like spiders or snakes.

Or even small spaces or even the sea.

Very few were afraid of their own family.

I was one of them.

And I had not been able to do anything about the horror.

I was nothing.

A shell in an otherwise joyful life.





Nightmares and repressed memories haunted my sleep.

They haunted me.

Would not let me go.

They were there.

Always in my life.

So many times I thought I would finally end it.

How many times did I wish I could leave?

To cease to exist?

Actually, I was over that phase.

The loneliness had never left me, but it had become a transparent fog.

Just like the sadness.

But they always found a way into my life again....



Pure darkness awaited me when I woke up.

No light.

No warmth.


An emptiness that seemed familiar after the death of my family.

But this emptiness was different.

The darkness was different.

It was the second anniversary of my parents.

The second year since I had lost them in the car accident.

Where I should have died with them.

Why had I survived but they hadn't?

If I were a believer, I would probably ask God.

But I had given up on that the day we had the accident.

Since then I hated driving and water.

Since my parents died, I lived with my uncle.

My father's brother.

And I hated it.

Every minute I was with him, I hated myself.

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