Two Different Lifes, Same Love

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Chapter One

Asterins POV

I hated warm weather!
Why I chose Italy as my holiday destination was a mystery to me.
Maybe because I wanted to do exactly what other teenagers and young adults usually did with their parents? Grumbling, I wiped the sweat from my forehead and stared up at the sun.
Stupid idea.
My eyes started burning and I wasn't exactly cursing quietly.
People walking past me probably thought I was high too.
Not only did I look like I had run three kilometers and now soaked in sweat, no, it got even better!
Under my eyes were black rings that you could certainly compare with the weight of a dumbbell and my hair stood to the side as if I had packed it into a plug.
I hated it!

After I had brought my temper down in a side street, very lucrative, I made my way to the market.
The Italians were crazy about good food and I wouldn't complain about that.
Above all, not when I was shown something to try on every corner.
I loved food!
My healthy physique confirmed this.
I used to cook and bake together with my mother.
Most of the time, my dad would eat all of the batter away from us and I would always tell him it was unhealthy. But in between he also helped us.
We were a happy family and I loved my family dearly.
Would have...
Before my thoughts could get any more gloomy, I reached the market.
Spices, fruit and vegetables were lying on the stands in large numbers and my mouth watered.
As I said, I would not refuse if someone would put a piece of this delicious looking tart in their mouth.
My mood rose with every step I took further into the market.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts and especially the delicious food that I didn't notice the commotion around me.
Only when something very loud whizzed through the air did I flinch.
I turned around as fast as I could and saw men in dark suits everywhere.
Aren't they incredibly warm?
I mean, I'm already sweating incredibly in a damn summer dress.
Back to topic, girl! I scolded myself and hid behind one of the stands.
By now screams and gunshots echoed through the air.
Wait a moment... Shots?
Had I ended up in a fucking James Bond movie?
"Damn shit!" I swore and looked around carefully.
I didn't want to overstrain my luck.
Too late.
When I looked around the corner, I noticed that the men were scanning the crowd and coming in my direction. But not only the men scared me ...
There was red paint and people on the floor.
No color, I realized.
Blood! And I sat in a puddle of blood ...

I swear to you, my food came up from all of last week.
But if I vomited now, I would give away my amazing hiding place. Note the sarcasm.
Voices and steps reached my ears and I was about to throw up here and there!
How could such a beautiful day (we think about the food) have such an end.
I would probably be six feet under ...
I got up slowly and scurried as quietly as I could to another place.
My blood soaked dress stuck to my body.
Memories crept into my head and I felt my breath begin to flatten out.
Stay calm!
Stay calm!
Again and again I said the unhelpful words in my head to save myself from a panic attack.
I saw a man just before the end of the market.
A dead man.
And next to it a gun.
I grabbed it as fast as I could and looked around.
People were still running around trying to save them.
But more and more men came to the market.
My gaze fixed on my salvation.
A side street that I knew would lead away from the market.
But before I could reach her I heard shouts behind me.
"Ecco la ragazza! Prendilo! "
-->There the girl! Grab it!
I was screwed when I realized they meant me.
My life was a complete catastrophe.
I crouched behind a half-shot stand and checked the gun.
Well, she still had plenty of motion.
My dad had shown me how to use guns and how to defend myself since I was six years old. Why all of this? I had no idea... He and Mom never gave me a real reason.
Well in the last years I wasnt Really active which means my combat skills were trash. I am Sure even a fucking turtle was more of an athlete than me...

I looked carefully around the corner and saw three men coming in my direction.
With my gun at the ready, I straightened up and took aim.
One shot.
Second shot.
And the third one was smart enough to finally take cover.
I slipped out from behind the table and made the mistake of not checking my site.
A whirring pain shot through my side and I felt blood rush out of the wound.
I shot the shooter with a blurry view.
That's it!
My life would end after 24 years.
Calls echoed through the air but I collapsed.
My body hit the ground hard and took in a sharp breath. The wound burned and I knew the bullet had entered my flesh.

I pressed my wound with trembling hands and sobbed.
I didn't want to die yet!
Tears streamed down my cheeks and sobs escaped my throat.
The last thing I noticed were blurry images and dark voices.
Then a man with cold, merciless eyes who certainly tried to look into my soul with his gaze. Then the world became quiet and dark.

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