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chapter Ten

Asterin POV

High Heels.

The creation of the devil himself.

I don't know why I let Chiara put these murder weapons on my feet.

The only good thing about these shoes was that you could hurt people wonderfully with these heels. Which could help my case.

I hadn't touched the food yet and had no motivation to eat anything. Afterwards there was still something in there that would harm me. And I really didn't need that today.

A plan had been forming in my head for the last few minutes, although I had doubts about whether it was safe or not.

Probably not, but I had to hold on to some hope without perishing. I could not afford to lose my mind now. I couldn't let this idiot keep me here any longer.

Since everyone else was busy, I grabbed the knife that was lying next to me on the food table. Not a very good weapon, I admit, but it was better than nothing.

My skin tingled with nervousness and my muscles kept tightening. But they still didn't relax completely when I slumped back in my seat. Perhaps it was also because I was about to pursue an incredibly stupid plan that would surely bring me death. But as the saying goes?

Hope dies in the end.

But it dies, my inner voice chirped. If you are wondering now if I am crazy, I can assure you, yes I am indeed. But not this psycho behaviour, more this feeling that makes you do things. Like when you are standing on a bridge and you get the feeling that you have to throw your mobile phone over the bridge, you know?

Well, anyway...

I spent the rest of the dinner lifting my spirits and talking myself into implementing my plan.

I swear on the other end of my plan I saw a white light and my tombstone with the words "Beware. Like to run away."

Bad time for bad sayings but somehow I had to distract myself.

In between, I felt the gazes of the people present on me, but I stopped myself from meeting them with my own gaze. I was no wimp, but eye contact?

No thanks, I'll pass. Especially with strangers.

The ticking of the clock brought my nerves to level 180 as we got up and walked to the door.

My legs were shaking so much that I crouched down.

And while I'm down there, I might as well take off my killer shoes. Which was long overdue.

As soon as my bare feet hit the cold marble floor, I sighed.

Wonderful! Almost as good as chocolate. But only almost...

Outside the door we stopped again and I took my chance.

Lorenzo talked to his sister and I moved away from the Mafia family bit by bit. Good God, please let me live!, I prayed and even looked up at the ceiling. With my high heels in my hand, I turned around the moment Lorenzo stopped talking to his sister.

Hot adrenaline pumped through my veins as I sprinted down the corridors. All of a sudden, footsteps sounded around me and voices shouted across the building. Shit! Cursing, I turned the next corner and collided with a man.

Double shit.

He couldn't see that fast, I slipped under his legs and grabbed his gun that had been sloppily attached to his thigh. As soon as I was back on my feet I sprinted off again.

My bare feet echoed through the halls, followed by shouts and louder footsteps.

In an alcove I held my breath and a short moment later six men ran past me. All armed to the teeth. Very reassuring to know I was being hunted like a fucking fox! I had lost my high heels somewhere, I noticed as I scurried out of the alcove and ran around another corner without looking back.

"Hello, principessa."

Double shit and damn it!

Lorenzo was standing in front of me.

Uh-oh, if this didn't end well.

His cold blue eyes bored into mine and as soon as he took a step forward, I took one back. Amused, he looked down at me and pushed me further and further back. The gun in my hand trembled.

And if things couldn't get worse, my back made contact with the wall.

It couldn't get any more clichéd than that!

Inwardly I rolled my eyes and hit my forehead repeatedly. Inwardly, of course.

His eyes glowed ghostly as he stepped further and further forward.

My trembling hands lifted my weapon and I pointed it at his chest. I was aware that I could not kill him. But the illusion was still better than nothing!

And then he began to grin. His eyes fixed on the gun I had pointed at his chest. What was wrong with me? My body began to tremble and soften as he stroked his index finger along my collarbone.

My heartbeat stopped once as he came close to my ear with his mouth. His warm breath brushed the back of my neck and I got goosebumps.

Why was my body responding to him so much?

With a jerk he snatched the gun from my hand and I regained my senses.

Took in my surroundings again.

Men were standing behind Lorenzo and this strange feeling I had just felt disappeared completely when he turned around and said something in Italian to his men.

Fear returned to my body as Hulk 1 and 2 approached me and grabbed my arms. No!

"Where are you taking me?"

My voice sounded shaky and weak. Something I didn't care about completely at that moment, because when I saw where we were going I felt sick to my stomach.

As much as I could, I fought back. I kicked, screamed and punched.

But nothing helped and a moment later I was thrown onto a cold, hard floor.

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