Two Different Lifes, Same Love

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chapter 6

Asterins POV

The whole night I couldn't sleep.

Not only because of the threat, which I was pretty sure he would carry out, but also because of the nightmares.

All the time I was watching the guards running around outside.

They were certainly cold.

Asterin, you don't care about them!

In between, I even took notes.

They certainly wouldn't help me, but it made me feel better somehow.

More secure.

By now it was nine o'clock in the morning.

The sun was shining full force into my room.

Little beads of sweat formed on my forehead the longer I stood in the sun.

I was really not made for warm weather and sun.

Another reason why I wanted to go home...

Not that anyone would miss me.

That wasn't the point.

I just couldn't afford to stay in one place for too long.

My uncle would find me.

He had always found me.

Even as a little child, when I hid from him, he always found me.



I hid from my uncle again.

Despite my seventeen years, I hid like a coward.

But I stood by it.

I was a coward.

But one who hung on to his life.

He was drunk again.

He had rushed into the house and called for me.

I hadn't been around long enough to know what he thought I had done wrong again.

The only thing I wanted was to get away from my uncle.


But that would not happen as long as my uncle was alive.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice my uncle approaching me.

I betrayed myself by taking too deep a breath.

With a jerk, I was pulled out from behind the broken table and shortly afterwards felt his hand make contact with my cheek.

The next time he lunged, the bottle was in his hand.

A scream left my lips and that was my mistake.

With a jerk, he pushed the broken alcohol bottle into my stomach and jerked me back.

Sobs and little screams left my mouth.

The glass in my stomach did nothing to help me maintain my balance.

My back made contact with something hard and that was the last thing I noticed.

The glass bottle still in my belly.

End of the Flashback

And I didn't want to know what he would do to me if he got his hands on me again.

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