Two Different Lifes, Same Love

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chapter Four

Lorenzos POV

Tense, I walked to my office.

My sister had been followed over and over again in the last few days and I was fed up!

Nothing was more important to me than the only family I had left.

And in this case that was Chiara.

And not only was my sister in constant danger, no, it got better!

This one girl absolutely had to take part in a fucking shootout.

Why I had taken her along was a mystery to me.

Probably because otherwise my men would have told Chiara and she would have murdered me with a knife 100%.

Sometimes I was really afraid of my little sister.

"L'avete trovato?", I blaffed as I stormed into my office.

-->Have you found him?

My men turned directly and shook their heads.

"He's still in hiding, boss. Completely off our radar."

My best man and friend, Matteo looked me emotionless in the eye, but I knew that the whole thing was starting to go against his grain.

No one attacked our family with impunity!

No one!

Wordlessly I nodded and my anger rose to the ceiling.

I really needed a drink.

But pronto.

With a single wave of my hand, I sent my men away, except Ryan and Matteo.

My only friends.

I had learned never to let too many people get close to me.

Someday or someone would take them from you.

"How's Chiara?", Ryan broke the silence and I gave him a cold look.

I was not unaware that he had had a crush on my sister for quite some time.

Unintelligibly, I mumbled some words to myself.

I was not in the mood to talk.

The only thing I needed was alcohol.

A lot of alcohol.

Ryan and Matteo understood me and nodded goodbye.

A grumble was the only response they got from me.

A few hours and two glasses of wiskey later, I was ready for bed.

Despite the pile of work, I just wanted to go to bed.

And check on my little sister first.

Slowly and quietly, I crept along the corridors and gently opened the door to my sister's room.

Her long breaths told me that she was asleep.


I wanted her to recover.

Even though she was only 3 years younger than me, she was always my baby sister.

And as she lay there on the bed, I could only hope that this horror would end soon.


It was 1am when the door slammed downstairs.

Immediately I was wide awake and grabbed my gun.

No one could get in here, no one!

Or so I thought.

Silently I crept down the stairs and stood in one of the shadows.

And there behind the closed front door lay a fragile figure.

I didn't have to think long.

I knew immediately that it was my sister.

I threw the gun carelessly on the floor and ran towards Chiara.

I stopped just before her because she had jumped up and was now huddled in the corner.

Her eyes widened in fear.

I would kill the one who had caused my sister such pain and fear.

Slowly and painfully.

My heart contracted painfully and a lump formed in my throat.

It hurt so much to see my little baby sister like this.

Slowly and carefully I raised my hands and held my palms out to her.

"It's all right, it's me Chiara. Be al sicuro."

-->You're safe.

A sob broke from her throat and in one leap she was in my arms.

She clung to me like a little monkey.

My heart burst as she pressed her trembling body closer to me.

Reassuringly, I pressed my hands to her slender back and stroked it soothingly.

"What happened, Chichi?"

My voice was barely a whisper.

And then she told.

In between, her voice broke and she began to sob uncontrollably.

End of the Flashback

With one hand I stroked one of her black curls out of her face.

"Dormi bene il mio piccolo"

-->sleep well my little one.

With quiet steps I walked out of her room and closed the door behind me.

I exhaled deeply and ran my hands through my hair.

Then I began to make my way to my room.

But before I could go to my room, a scream sounded from the room at the other end of the corridor.

I am sorry if I write anything wrong.

The italian sentences are from google translator, so if anything is wrong please correct me:)

Hope you like the chapter even if its a little short...

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