Two Different Lifes, Same Love

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chapter Two

Asterins POV

The first thing I noticed was a headache.

Then a sharp pain in my side.

And then as if I were suffocating.

Slowly my glued eyes opened and my goodness I was dazzled.

Not by the beauty of the room, which I was only peripherally aware of, but literally.

The sun shone full force into the room and stung my eyes.

Sometimes I thought I was a vampire....

I hated the sun with a passion just as much as I hated sommer.

I mean who liked to lie in their own sweat and serve as a filling station for mosquitoes on the side?

Definitely not me!

Well, back to the topic.

My night-time activity was disadvantageousto my job, but that was of little interest to me.

And just from the colour of my skin, I was surprised that no one had ever mistaken me for Dracula's daughter...

After my hands more or less successfully protected my eyes from the sun, I noticed the dark figure at the door.

A minor matter!

Only now did I realise what a magnificent room I was lying in.

Sand-coloured furniture was everywhere and different shades of brown really met my sometimes very... unusual taste.

What can I say, I was a woman with taste.

The man started to move towards me, but I didn't care.

If they wanted me dead, they were pretty late.

They could have just killed me in my sleep, couldn't they?!

Sometimes I really couldn't take myself seriously....

With tired eyes, I followed his every move, very aware that he could knock me out with a single blow.

Because the sleeping sand in my eyes clouded my vision and without my glasses I could compete with a mole, I didn't see what he was doing next to my bed.

Shortly afterwards I felt something cold flow into my body and I opened my half-closed eyes.

Was he giving me drugs with the drip?

If so, they'd better be good ones!

Not that I had ever taken drugs in my life, I had always lacked the money and the reason, but if it was going to be drugs, it had better not be sleazy stuff.

Before I could ask anything his mobile rang and I couldn't look that fast, he was already out of my room.

My room?

Well, I had slept in here so I just said it was my room.

Questions upon questions swirled through my head as I slowly sat up.

My side was burning and I didn't know why...

Memories shot through my body like lightning.

The gunshots...

The men in black suits....

The dead people...

The blood...

Oh, all the blood.

The food came up again and this time I couldn't hold it back.

Water and food scraps came out of my mouth and splashed onto the expensive looking carpet.

This was going to be expensive...

Stars appeared in my vision and I had to lean back because otherwise I would have landed head first on the floor.

Taking a deep breath, I let the memories of the last few hours rush through my mind.

I couldn't have been gone for more than a few hours.

The sun was high in the sky and would soon disappear behind one of the green hills.


I didn't know that a hospital or my hotel room had such a nice room and view.

My vision cleared and I saw three men standing in the doorway.

Two of them were looking at the floor in disgust.

On the carpet, to be precise.

Guiltily, I hunched my shoulders and let them slump back down.

I really couldn't help it.

Maybe it was the drugs this one man had given me in my drip.

"Did you give me drugs? If so, they'd better be good!" I said hoarsely, watching one of the dark-skinned men raise his eyebrows in amusement.

"I'm sure no one gave you drugs, piccola ragazza."-->little girl

Confused at the last two words, I drew my eyebrows together and tilted my head.

"Lasciaci soli.", grumbled the man who had so far only been watching and brooding to himself in a voice that sounded so dark I was afraid I had ended up God knows where.

Maybe I really was dead and was now in heaven.

Whether I would ever get to heaven was a slightly different question.

The two men quickly disappeared and the door closed behind the giant.

Lifting my head, I looked at him and noticed how handsome he looked.

His skin was caramel dark and dark hair hung in slight waves across his forehead.

His cold ice-blue eyes bore into mine and looked strangely familiar.

Like an avalanche of icy water, the next memory came over me.

"Don't you dare throw up on the carpet again, principessa," the giant grumbled.

What a sunshine!

Stubbornly, I jutted my chin forward and looked him in the eye.

Into the man who had apparently saved my miserable life.

I mean, of course I was grateful that I was still alive, but since the death of my family my life had been a horror film.

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously to break the awkward silence.

His hard eyes looked at me wordlessly and made me feel quite uncomfortable.

There was silence for another few minutes until he said quietly but no less forcefully, "Lorenzo Rossi."

Two words.

One name.

A name that had so many meanings.

Cold fear crept up my spine and I tried clearing my throat.

Of course I knew his name.

Everyone knew it when they were involved in this kind of business.

Even I knew him.

He was a mafia boss.

And I was his prisoner...

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