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chapter 13

Asterin POV

Most of the time it was quiet in the car.

Lorenzo was looking at his mobile phone all the time, while I was getting more and more nervous. So far, Mister "I'm so beautiful and strong" hadn't made any comment on what my mission for the evening was actually going to be.

"Don't furrow your brow. Wrinkles don't suit you," his dark voice rang out, sending a shiver down my spine.

With an extra raised eyebrow, I looked away from the window, right into the eyes I could lose myself in. Quickly, I shook my head and turned back to the window.

Skyscrapers and tons of people passed us by despite the late hour. And to be honest, I envied the young people who walked the streets without a care in the world, spending time with their friends. I mean I was only 24 years old and I had a life besides university, well until this whole disaster happened.

Another while passed until Lorenzo turned to me again and started talking, "Your assignment for tonight is to be my unassuming escort. However, you are to use your abilities and thus pass coded messages to me after the meeting, as I do not trust them. Understood?"

I nodded silently and started playing with my fingers again. A bad habit, but whenever I was nervous or excited I started playing with them.

Ten minutes later we came to a stop. Right in front of a big, very expensive looking building.

The car doors opened and I had to squint my eyes for a moment as the neon sign of the club blinded me. Great, it was probably another one of those places where you could pay for anything and everything.

"You will not leave my side, do we understand each other Cara."

--> Darling

Again without saying a word I nodded and the next moment felt a warm, large hand wrap around my waist. Briefly, my heart skipped a beat before it started beating again at double speed.

I cleared my throat briefly and tried to move away from Lorenzo, but I didn't get far because his hand squeezed my hip so tightly that I let out an embarrassed squeak. Lorenzo didn't say anything, but just pulled me behind him into the club.

Grumbling, I gave in and fell into the same pace.

Lorenzo seemed to like that, because he gave a strange humming sound and now led me further into the club. There were people everywhere, dancing close to each other and I could have sworn there were even some making out on the dance floor.

In an alcove at the other end of the club we stopped abruptly so that I bumped into Lorenzo and was now stuck between his side and a wall.

Embarrassing was not an expression at all in this case....

"Lorenzo, my dearest. I'm glad you could come, and with such a lovely companion, too," a creaky, hollow voice rang out.

Lorenzo poked me in the side and immediately I stood up straight and turned to face the men and would have preferred to turn back immediately. Three men stared at me from veiled eyes and although I had never been with a man in my entire life I could tell that I would prefer never to feel those looks on me again.

Not wanting to say anything, I just nodded and this time voluntarily pressed myself against Lorenzo as he sat down with the men.

Unfortunately, the universe seemed to have something against me, because I ended up between Lorenzo and one of those disturbing men. While the men talked about all the business stuff, I played with the water glass in my hands.

I wanted to get out of here. And I wanted to get out of here now.

But as I said, the universe had something against me, because even Lorenzo didn't seem to notice that I was feeling quite uncomfortable.

A hand on my thigh roughly jolted me out of my thoughts. At first I thought it was Lorenzo, but then I realised that he was sitting on my other side.

Cold shivers ran through my body and I would have liked to scream as the hand moved further up, under my dress, but I was frozen. Tears formed in my eyes, but I would do anything not to collapse in front of these disgusting men.

I stood up abruptly, almost knocking over the glasses on the table. All eyes were on me, but I kept my head down and jumped out of the alcove as soon as Lorenzo had made room.

My path led me to the Toilet.

Cliché I know, but I couldn't think of anything better at that moment.

Once in the ladies' room, I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my reflection. What did one do in such a situation? All my life I had not been prepared for such occasions and I could feel the panic slowly settling in my stomach. Taking a deep breath, I lightly slapped my cheek.

Then I opened the door and stepped into the sparsely lit hallway. A very bad idea, as I realised the next moment.

A pair of hands pressed me against the wall and a body followed. Breath smelling strongly of alcohol hit the back of my neck as the man who had just touched me pressed against my body and let his greedy hands wander over my upper body.

Before I could scream, his hand darted out and met my cheek, then settled over my mouth so that I could no longer make a sound.

Tears gathered in my eyes again and sobs escaped my throat, but no sound escaped as his free hand made its way up my thigh.

"All evening I've been dreaming of touching you. Such a pretty little bird." his voice croaked as he sucked on the back of my neck.

Screams and sobs mingled as I squirmed to get free, but he didn't move. Not a single bit.

Without a real thought I did the only thing I could think of. I bit into his hand. My teeth dug into his hand and with a grunt he took a step back from me, which was enough for me. Unfortunately I was not an experienced fighter and next did what was probably the most common thing. I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could and actually brought him to the ground.

And without thinking further about what might happen next, I sprinted back to the alcove.

Lorenzo lifted his head as soon as I was back and then looked disinterestedly back at his business partner.

"Lorenzo, I don't feel so good. Can we go?"

My voice was quiet and in other moments I could have beaten myself up over it, but right now I couldn't bring myself to do it.

He looked up again and nodded, then exchanged a few more words while I kept looking behind me to see if this guy would come back.

The next few minutes were a mess in my head.

Car doors opened, closed again, warmth enveloped me but I just didn't, couldn't, want to get warm. Lorenzo tried to talk to me, but I didn't really notice the words. He looked angry.

As soon as we arrived at his house, I jumped out of the car. I could no longer stay in a car with a man.

But just as I was standing in the entrance hall, his voice barked through it.

I stopped as if frozen, but did not turn around.


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