Two Different Lifes, Same Love

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chapter 8

Asterins POV

My father had always told me that love meant security, well-being, trust and freedom.

Well, I couldn't understand the latter point.

At least not in my current position.

After Lorenzo had had a "conversation" with me, which went according to his nose most of the time and was quite one-sided, I would have preferred to go through the roof. It was physically impossible, but at that moment I didn't give a shit about physics or God knows what!

I mean how dare he lock me in here?

I wasn't one of his little kittens that he wouldn't let out of the house!

God damn it!

His response and I quote, "I am allowed many things, principessa. This, however, is simply because I can."

His good looks hadn't helped me be mad at him either. At least his sister seemed to like me or even be the only one who wanted to hang out with me.


By now a whole week had passed.

A whole week in which I shrank like an ice cream in the summer sun, without any possibility to cool myself down. Why? A very simple question and an even simpler answer: Lorenzo wouldn't let me out of that sauna and if he did then only if I had what he called an escort.

I liked to refer to it as: Babysitter.

This man was out of his mind!

Most of the time I swore at him so hard, literally, that my grandma and grandpa would turn 360 degrees in their graves in shock.

I was usually pretty creative in that sort of thing....

My dad and mum, on the other hand, wouldn't be able to stop laughing.

Oh Mum, Dad, how I miss you....


Just now I was, oh great surprise....

...drum roll...

In my room...

I was starting to get claustrophobic in here. Really... Even though it was a pleasantly large room, I thought I would suffocate at any moment, to put it dramatically now.

I was pulled out of my self-pity by a knock.

I knew directly who it was.

No one else would knock on my door.

Usually it was opened so spontaneously and with such a noise that I thought SWAT stormed the room.

Maybe it would be a change...

Another knock sounded.

But this time it was much more impatient. Matteo really had no patience, I thought to myself for the fiftieth time.

With a grumble I opened the door and was surprised to see Chiara standing in front of my door. She was usually the one who, well, you've just seen the example. With a joyful smile she hopped into the room and jumped onto the bed. Confused, I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head questioningly. Chiara let out an annoyed gasp and plopped down on the bed.

There was a startling sound, but she didn't care as she scanned me with her eyes. Then she clicked her tongue again and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes in annoyance. She always did it. Always!

No matter when she came into my room, she usually clicked her damn tongue! I'm telling you... it drives you crazy! But apart from that, she was pretty down to earth and friendly. Loud but friendly.

The exact opposite of her brother.

God, how I didn't like him! Whenever he walked past the open door of the room that Chiara had left open again, he always looked as if he had bitten into something sour. Or maybe he just looked in the mirror by mistake? One did not know.

"Shall we get you dressed?", Chiara's voice whispered next to my ear. Irritated, I turned to her and wanted to contradict her, but she just held up her hand and silenced me. Sometimes she was really domineering, almost bossy.

After ten minutes or so, I hadn't been paying attention, she came out of the dressing room with some scrap of cloth in her hand. What was I supposed to do with it?

Apparently there seemed to be a huge question mark on my face, because she puffed and wanted to click her tongue, but I interrupted her.

"Click that fucking tongue again and I'll cut it out for you!"

Indignantly she looked at me and then threw the scrap of cloth in my face.

With the words, "I'll be right back, put this on." she disappeared from the room as quickly as she had come.

Suspicious, I grabbed the dress and disappeared into the bathroom.

My curls got tangled as I tried to put the dress on. When I finally got it on, it felt like I had squeezed into a leather roll. The fabric was not leather, but it felt infinitely tight.

Slowly I struggled out of the bathroom and was greeted by Chiara.

Her mouth was wide open and she looked at me speechless for once in her life.

"Green is your colour." she breathed and then went to work on my curls.

I had absolutely no idea why she was doing this, but I didn't complain.

After she was done, my curls fell neatly over my shoulders and I got slightly red cheeks as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Come on. Let's go downstairs. Everyone's waiting."

But the words I understood were: let's find a way out of this golden prison.

So the photo on the beginning of the chapter is how I imagine the dress Asterin is wearing...

Hope you like it :)

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