Two Different Lifes, Same Love

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chapter 7

Asterins POV

She was usually heard in my nightmares.

She called after me.

Chasing me.

Scaring me.

Made cold shivers run down my spine.

And she spoke in the cruelest of ways.

Mingled with my uncle's words.

They made no sense.

But slowly but surely they pulled me deeper and deeper.

Further and further under the cold surface of the water.

Until I could no longer breathe.

My hands began to tremble. My legs didn't want to move from the spot. I probably would have stopped here if his voice hadn't sounded again.

Slowly, so infinitely slowly, I put my feet in front of each other.

I stopped in the doorway.

This was as far as I could move.

It wasn't just him in the room.

No, there were three other people next to him.

Two men and a woman.

I noticed that it was the woman who had just been in the room with me. Only now did I really look at her. Her features were young, not much younger than me. Her skin was brown and her steel grey eyes bored into mine with amusement. Her black hair fell in soft waves over her shoulders. That was all I could make out.

Next to her stood one of the men.

He also had brown skin. Lighter than the young woman's. His green eyes sparkled with something I couldn't interpret, didn't want to. Freckles danced on his cheeks and nose as he lifted the corners of his mouth slightly. His dark brown hair fell slightly into his forehead and my fingertips tingled to brush it away.

The Fuck?

What the fuck was wrong with me?

The other man stood next to the one with the green eyes.

But not like the green-eyed man, his eyes twinkled with amusement. No. They were dark. Expressed no emotion. The green and brown mixed together to make a beautiful colour. Maybe I would like him if he didn't try to kill me with his eyes. His light brown curls literally glowed in the morning sun shining through the windows and flattered his dark skin.

And then there was the man whose voice haunted me in my nightmares.

Lorenzo Rossi.

His gaze was icy cold and impenetrable.

They were such a cold blue that you could have thought he was reflecting the glaciers.

Poetic and childlike, I know, but that was the best example I could think of at the moment.

His skin was also tanned and his hair was the same blackness as the young woman.

All three men were about the same height and broad build.

Even though I didn't like them, I had to admit that they weren't bad looking.

The woman wasn't bad looking either.

"Finished staring?" the green-eyed one grinned and I noticed my cheeks turning red.

I gave him an annoyed look and played with my fingers behind my back.

"Ryan, shut it." the one man grumbled and plopped down on one of the chairs.

The young woman giggled softly and sat down next to the man. Ryan, apparently.

My lips were about to twist into a soft smile when I saw Ryan push his bottom lip forward and immediately grin as the young woman sat down next to him.

Lorenzo didn't seem to like that, because he cast an icy look at this Ryan.


Oh, how I loved drama.

As long as I wasn't involved myself, I was on fire.

Then they could put a bag of popcorn in front of me and I would watch it all very closely.

Maybe even record it to watch again later, but that wasn't the issue now!

Happy that I had apparently been forgotten, I was about to turn and run away when I felt a hand around my arm. With a jerk I was jerked around and found myself on the floor. My back throbbed, but I heaved myself up and stared at Lorenzo, who seemed pleased with himself.

Snorting, I patted my trousers down and clicked my tongue.

Not good at all.

The next moment, the man whose name I didn't know swung a fist at me, but I ducked away.

What did they want to do?

Did they just bring me here to beat me up?

Shaking my head, I blocked another blow from the unknown man and got hold of his wrist.

With a quick movement I turned behind his back and twisted his arm with it.

I was surprised because he did not react quickly enough when I kicked him in the back of the knee with my foot.

He hissed and fell to his knees.
Apparently I could still do some tricks...

Lorenzo POV

I followed Matteo's attack on the girl with a fixed gaze.

The idea had come to me spontaneously to see what she was capable of. I had no doubt whatsoever that she would try to escape. She had too much temperament for that.

A temper that already went against my grain.

Wordlessly, I watched as she brought Matteo to his knees and was visibly pleased with herself. I would let her have this little triumph. Soon enough she would learn what would happen to her if she didn't play by my rules.

The thought of the possibilities of punishing her actually made the corners of my mouth twitch upwards.

Matteo hissed and Asterin let him go after another minute.

After letting go of Matteo, she turned and looked me in the eye. Confident, she was, but that wouldn't last much longer. I would make sure of that.

Her eyes sparkled and only now did I notice that she had two different eye colours. The right eye was a light blue and the left was a honey brown. But what did I care about her eyes...?

With a cold look in the direction of my sister and my friends, I turned away from her and went to the door.

I closed the door and could hear her gulp.

"Well then. Shall we get started?"

I would definitely enjoy breaking her.

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