Chapter 13

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I yelled for Vixen as my hand shook with the note in it. I'm too afraid to open it and read what it says. I felt a ghost of wind around me and Vixen was standing in front of me.

"What's that love?"

"I-I don't know, something is not right Vixen."

With shaky hands, I open the note.

"If you ever want to see your daughter again, you'll reject her and leave. I have waited years for the Goddess to mate us together, and you come and take her from me. She's mine! Either you leave her, or you lose your daughter."

I looked up at Vixen with tears rolling down my cheeks. I knew something was off about that woman. Why didn't I just follow my fucking gut when it came down to her.

Vixen took the paper away from me and read over it again. She pulled me into her arms, and soon after we were in her office and she was getting on the phone.

I didn't know who she was calling or what she was saying. My mind wasn't there, and the only thing I can think about is Ava, and how scared she must be without me.

I knew things were too good to be true, you can never have everything at once, if it came down to choosing between them, I'll always choose my child over her. Yes, that's harsh to say but Ava comes before anyone.

More wind passed me and Emily, Evelyn, a man, and some woman was standing in the office around us.

"Vix, with hell you mean Alice took Ava?! I told you that woman was bad news. Something just wasn't right about her."

"I know Emily, I should have listened to you, but we all know this country like the back of our hands, she can't be too far."

Vixen was right about them knowing this place, but they could be anywhere. I don't even know how much time until that crazy bitch does something to Ava.

"Get together every soldier, and split them up, we are searching every place, house, mountain, hotels, any place that look like someone can be living in them. No one rest until Ava is found and my hands are wrapped around Alice's throat."

Emily nodded her head and pulled out her tablet and pressed something on it.

"They all should have gotten the message to come to the castle and wait for you."

Vixen nodded her head and opened a part of her wall that was in the office. When it fully opened there were so many weapons lined along the wall.

"Uncle Micheal, sorry you had to meet my mate like this, but I need you to keep a few soldiers here, search the castle, make sure she isn't hiding anywhere in here."

The man gave me a sad smile and walked out of the room.

"Aunt Sara, you are the only person, that is good at tracking someone down who doesn't want to be found, everything you need is in this office, so use whatever."

"Evelyn, I need you to stay with Kegen for the time being, since you both are human and can't keep up with our speed."

I went to say something, but Vixen put her hand up to stop me.

"Kegen, just do what I asked."

I knew she was feeling sad because of Ava too, so I didn't say anything else and just walked out of the room with Evelyn following behind me.

When we got to my room, I got in the bed and hugged a pillow close to me, and cried out for my daughter.

Evelyn laid behind me and hugged me, that was the last thing before the tears came full-on with no end.

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