Chapter 5

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It's been a week since I came across my mate, and my beast has been moody and angry at everything. I feel the need and pull as well to be near her, to hold her, to even just have her close to me.

Emily has been out trying to see if she can spot where she might be staying or even her name.

I couldn't do it because my beast has been on thin ice and snaps at anything and everyone. I couldn't risk her killing a human, the last thing I need is for any of the countries coming for me once I have full control back. Even though I'll win the war, which is why they agreed to my terms.

Emily pushed open my office door and walked in and sat in front of my desk.

"Well, did you find out anything?!"

"I did, but first calm down, I don't want you to run out and scare the poor thing and her daughter."

I nodded my head and waited for her to finish.

"She's new here and she's staying in Hotel Valley, and her name is Kegen Jones, but I couldn't get her daughter's name."

"If she's new here... that means she doesn't know about our kind... What am I supposed to do Em?"

I can feel the breakdown coming and I'm supposed to be a Queen who keeps her shit together, but this is harder than I thought it would be since everyone here knows about our kind.

"She might do know about us. It can be the reason she came here in the first place."

Emily had a point, it's the reason why everyone comes here.

"The only thing I can say is to go to the hotel and see if you can speak with her but be patient with her."

"You're right, I'm leaving you in charge until I get back, execution for the vampires who went around killing innocent humans for no reason is today. You just have to sit in and make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Vix, I know how you run things here and I know what to do, I am your right hand after all. Go before you miss her."

I nodded my head and used my speed to get to the hotel before it was too late, and I'll have to wait another day.

Once I got to the hotel I slowed down and walked inside and up to the front desk.

"Your majesty, how can I help you today?"

"You have a woman here by the name of Kegen Jones, can you call her down here for me?"

"Yes, your majesty."

I waited a few minutes while she made the call and another few minutes for Kegen to come down.

It seems like time was moving slow or she was moving slow, I don't know which one it was, but it was moving too slow for my liking and I just wanted to be near her.

"Your majesty."

I turned when I was called and spotted Kegen walking toward the front desk with her daughter by her side.

I always wanted to be a mom, maybe I'll have the chance if she accepts me as her mate.

"You said someone was here for me?"

Her voice is the most beautiful tone I have ever heard in my life, I can listen to her speak about everything and anything, or nothing.

When she turned around, she made eye contact with me and gave me a shy smile.

"You're the lady from the restaurant, right?"

"Yes, Vixen... Vixen Gershman."

"Kegen Jones."

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