Chapter 8

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It's been 3 days since Ava was freed from the hospital and 3 days closer to this mating season starting.

Vixen has been coming over more and being clingy. Anyone who looks at us she growls at them. I'm to the point where I don't even go out of the hotel and just order in, that way Vixen doesn't kill anyone.

So far, it has been a good idea to stay in, I have been able to get more work done with selling my house, I already sent back the papers and the deeds to the realtor. The money I am getting for the house should be in my account the day after Vixen and I mate.

The only problem I am having is someone looking after Ava until the next day. I don't trust vampires right now with her because everyone is so tense because of mating season.

I need to find a human, and of course, I'll pay them to look after her, but Vixen told me to leave it up to her. Thinking of her, she's supposed to be coming over in a few and I'm glad she's bringing food with her since I haven't ordered anything.

Ava crawled in my lap and laid her head on my chest. She thinks she's slick, she's been trying to get to my breast knowing I'm not breastfeeding her and so far, not breastfeeding her my breast has felt a lot better, but more tender.

"Mama milk."

"No Ava, it's time for big girl milk."

She shakes her head and pulls on my top, I pulled my top away from her and sat her on my lap.

"Ava, mama can't feed you no more. It's time you have big girl milk like mama."

Right, when I went to get up there was a knock on the door. I place Ava on my hip and went to answer the door knowing that it was Vixen.

"Finally, you're here, it felt like I been waiting forever for you to get here."

"Well love, they did have to cook the food, and what's wrong with Ava?"

"She's upset that I won't let her feed on my breast."

Vixen followed me and Ava into the living room and sat on the side of me pulling out the food she picked up on her way over.

"Why won't you?"

"Breastfeeding a 2year old with teeth is hell within hell because they know what they are doing and still bites down on your nipples that are sore, plus it's time for her to get off the nipple since she'll be 3 in a few months and I plan on putting her in school."

"What about pumping in a bottle?"

I stared at her for a while, Ava has never had a bottle and I was not going to start her on one. That will be something else I have to get her to let go and I'll like to by past that while I can.

"That will never happen, she never had a bottle before plus she's 2."

She nodded her head and helped Ava with her food. Ava has this mind where she is independent and likes doing things for herself, so I wasn't surprised when she took the fork from Vixen and started feeding herself.

Ava would get food all over her face, but if one piece of food hit her clothes, she will have a whole freak out until I bathe and change her.

She's what my mom would call a lady like in training. My mom used to call me that when I was growing up. She said because I never wanted to get dirty or play with the other kids that would get dirty and run around, and I always wanted to wear dresses.

I can say that a few things never changed with me, which is why I am not surprised Ava picked that habit up from me.

Vixen passed me a plate and I started eating my food while getting lost in my head. Four days from now everything is going to change and there will be no turning back.

Mated to the Queen (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant