Chapter 20

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I needed something to punch on and I needed it now, I sped up leaving Emily a few feet behind me as we ran where my soldiers are waiting for us.

They were able to find where Lucas and his father were hiding. I'm not surprised that they ended up somewhere in the woods since they weren't able to leave town. Getting my hands on one of them is something I thought about for years and now I was going to make them pay for portraying me.

By the time we got to the location that was given to us, my men already had Lucas and his father bending on their knees waiting for us.

I can smell the fear running off them and my beast wanted to come out and play but I wasn't ready to let her out because she'll just kill them right away.

"My Queen."

One of the soldiers slapped Lucas for speaking when he wasn't told to speak yet.

"Because of you two, I had to come here and now my mate is mad at me for something I had no control of."

I can feel my fangs coming out and my nails growing, she was fighting her way out, as she was mad about the same thing as well. It wasn't like we had control of that fucking woman and her eyes, but I could have said something and not just stood there.

"I been looking for you both for a very long time, but I must thank you as well since you are the reason, I found my mate."

I looked around at everyone until my eyes stopped on a woman that my soldiers were holding by the shoulder. I turned my head and smirked at Lucas.

"I'm not the only one who found their mate, I see."

He growled at me while trying to get away from my men.

"Keep your fucking hands off her!"

"Oh, you should know me by now, I'm not going to hurt her, but she deserves better than you. Does she know what you have done?"

I sped in front of her and took her face between my hands forcing her to look into my eyes. I looked through her memories, going back to when they first met.

My eyes snapped open and my head snapped toward Lucas who was holding his head down.

"She's not even your mate, and yet she bears the marking of a mate bond you gave her!"

The woman finally spoke, but she was speaking to Lucas.

"You told me I was your mate and you had to mark me so that I can be safe from others of your kind."

"My love, you are my mate, my beast chose you to bear its marking."

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle that caused Lucas to let out another growl, only to get punched in the face by a soldier.

He's been lying to two different women, but this one got the worse of it because once I kill Lucas, she too will die but I can save her.

My eyes finally went to Lucas's father, David, and he was just sitting there with his head hanging low. I'm sure he didn't see this coming.

"David, I would say it's good to see you again but we both know I'll be lying."

Honestly, I don't need them both, but I can't kill them because too many humans would start asking questions.

My soldiers grabbed them both to stand up when I nodded my head toward them, and they started following me as I led them back toward the hotel we were staying at, but I got a different room to put them in and my soldiers have a clear order not to leave them alone.

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