Chapter 17

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I put Ava down for bed that night and watched her as she slept for a while before returning to my room. When I opened my bedroom door, Kegen was sitting up and staring into space.

I rushed over to her and pulled her into my arms, happy that she is awake but worried about her at the same time.

"How are you feeling my love?"

"Very tired... did I kill her? Or was it all a dream?"

I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want to tell her the truth and cause her to freak out or pass out again, but I knew she needed to know the truth.

"Yes, love... You did, but you did what you thought was right. It was either you who killed her or my beast. You did nothing wrong but protect our princess."

She let out a breath that I could tell she was holding in. I held her tighter in my arms, missing her being thereafter sleeping for over 24 hours.

I let a sigh fall from my lips and she pulled away to look up to me.

"What are you not telling me? I can feel that you are hiding something."

"I'm not hiding anything love, I just don't know how to tell you, or even ask you what I need to know."

"Just tell me Vixen, you are starting to scare me."

I nodded my head and tried to word it the best I can. The only way I knew how to go about this is by asking about Ava's father again.

"Are you sure you know who your ex-husband is?"

"What kind of question is that Vixen? Of course, I knew who he was."

"What do you know about his family?"

"Everything, we grew up together, his family was close friends with mine. What are you trying to get at here?"

Another sigh left my lips, and I had no choice but to say what she needed to know.

"I don't think his family told you or your family who they truly were. They are one of us, which makes Ava half human and half vampire."

Her eyes grew wide and she looked like she was about to panic. From her reaction, I knew she knew nothing of the true background of her ex-husband. She pulled away from me and jumped out of bed going for her phone.

"Love, what are you doing?"

"Calling that lying piece of shit ex-husband of mine!"

I watched her as she paced the room back and forth with the phone on speaker. With the amount of anger coming from her, I'll be scared to answer the phone if I was her ex-husband.

Luck just wasn't on his side tonight because he answered the phone. Being the smart mate that I am, I stayed in my spot and listened from afar.

"Is everything okay Kegen?"

"No, everything is not okay Jacob! How can you go this fucking long without telling me who you truly were! Or should I say what you are?"

"How did you find out?"

"That's all you have to say, is how did I find out? I swear if you don't start talking, I will rip your heart out and make your wife watch."

"Whoa there Kegen, no need to get violent. I was going to tell you but since we were no longer together, I didn't think I needed to tell you but being who I am is also the reason why I wanted us to get a divorce, I had found my mate."

I watched Kegen as she stared at nothing and let out a deep growl that caused me to snap my eyes wide open. Even for me, that was not human.

"Accept you missed one detail in all the fucking lies you've been doing. When the hell were you going to tell me you were a vampire, the day Ava got older and can't control her beast!"

I listened even more closely to the voice that was on the other end of the phone and begin to recognize the voice. I stood up from my spot and walked over toward Kegen and kissed the top of her head to calm her down a bit.

From the sound of that voice, there was no way he and Kegen grew up together. That had to be something her parents told her, which I am starting to not like my dead in-laws.

"I'm sure you know who I am Lucas, or is it Jacob now? You know you really shouldn't lie to your child's mother like that."

"My Queen."

"I don't like seeing my mate upset like this because of someone worthless. Don't think I forgot what you and your family tried to do."

The other end of the phone went silent and I took it that he ended the call. I wasn't worried about it because I can still have him tracked down, and I was going to do just that.

He and his family left town after calling themselves trying to overthrow me and failed. Well, some of them got away but not all of them, and I wasn't going to stop until I killed them all.

Kegen threw her phone against the wall causing it to break into pieces, and I knew I was going to have to go get a new one for her.

"Not only did he lie to me about what he was, but also about who he was! What if I never met you and Ava grew into this beast ended up hurting me or someone else because I didn't know what she was."

"That's nothing to worry about now my love, I'm here and I'll be the one to guide her through it when the time comes."

She fell into my arms and I held her against my chest while rubbing small circles in the middle of her back.

"This is why I don't date men! You can never fully trust them to tell you the truth about the smallest thing."

I couldn't help but chuckle at that, she had a point there, but women were the same as well, you just need to find the right one.

"One question love, do you even remember being around him as a kid?"

"Honestly, no, and when I used to tell my parents I didn't even remember him from my childhood, they'll say I was too young to remember before he went away and then tell me these stories that we were supposed to have done."

So, I was right about her parents, the only question I have left is did her parents know who they truly were?

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