A Dark Soul

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 4 Days Left

after Jens husband came back from the great salt lake Nyx told them that they should find a host for the soul because she could feel it was dying.

Nyx stood up and left her aunt and uncle with Blake when Nyx found a pair of glass shards she held it in her hands and made a new jar when she put the soul in the jar she saw a figure in the mist near her.

When the figure walked out of the mist Nyx saw that it was Kane and two females beside him, one
was about 50 the other one about 30. Nyx asked Kane what he wanted he replied that he came to
help them, Nyx looked at the two females and asked Kane who they were, Kane told her that the
one with blond hair was his mother Mary and the brunette was his oldest sister kara. When Kane
looked at Nyx and what she held in her hands he asked her what it was, she replied that it was a
soul mate from supernatural she added that the soul was dying because it couldn't find a host to
possess, Kane asked her if she could lead them where they were staying. Nyx nodded yes and told them that they should follow her, Kane, Mary, and Kara followed Nyx towards her aunt's broken-down house.

Jen asked Nyx what he was doing there, Nyx told Jen that they needed help from the Ruth's and
maybe one of them could be a host. Kane looked concerned and asked Nyx who she planned to
choose, Nyx looked at Kane and told him that nonsupernatural could access the soul because they
would die. Kane added to Nyx's sentence that only a human could use the soul.

Nyx nodded her head yes and told Kane that they would not force any of them to take the soul, she
continues that it would be helpful if they had the soul on their team to defeat Ian. Kane looked at
his sister and mother he ten looked back at Nyx, he asked Nyx if it could kill a human. But just when
Nyx wanted to answer Kara exclaimed that he will not let the soul possess him and maybe kill him.
Nyx looked at Jen and back at Kane, she told him that the soul will try and kill him but he will have seventy-five percent of living. Kane sighed and told her that he should give the jar to him but then
his sister told him again that he will not do it, he then told her that it wasn't her choice to take it or
not, Kara looked at her mother, Mary then told kara that Kane was a full adult and that he could
make his own choices. Kara couldn't believe that her mother could say such a thing but then she
knew that it was time to let him go and let him make his own choices. Kara sighed in defeat and
looked at Kane, Kane told Nyx that she should hand him the jar, Nyx asked him if, he was sure.

He nodded yes and took the jar from Nyx.
When he opened the jar, the soul jumped out onto his hand and began to spread over his body,
Kane could feel pain but then he wasn't Kane anymore he was the dark soul now. Kane's eyes
where dark as the void he looked at Nyx and thanked her, Nyx then asked what his name was
because she knew that his parent would never have called the dark soul, he replied that he didn't
know his name but they could call him the soul...

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