The Secret Pt.2

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Clarke and Stiles kissed when they heard Mrs. Miller leaving the room.

Clarke stopped kissing him to get some air, but Clarke went full force for Stiles' lips. He felt the force she put on his lips, both were standing and making out, but then Stiles fell sideways on the bed with Clarke's body. Clarke felt Stiles' warm hands on her back, and she went on kissing him on the lips but then she said to him when they stopped kissing that she saw how he could trust her. He replied that she should be careful what she wishes for in a whisper tone.

Clarke began to play with the zipper of his jeans. He looked at her and smirked at her. She climbed on his lap and started kissing him again and more passionately. Her soft light brown hair was covering their face on the right side. Clarke stopped kissing him and said that she wanted him. Stiles replied that she needed to say how she wanted him. Clarke smiled at him and began to slide his jeans off. Stiles pulled her closer; both were making out again, but this time sexier.

A few minutes later, and both were lying on the bed, Clarke laid on Stiles' lap with a duvet covering her lower, and upper body, and Stiles' lower body was covered with the duvet. He played with Clarke's hair very gently as both of them just talked but then Stiles said that he should tell her something. Clarke turned to look at him, she noticed that his eyes were pure diamond blue and his ears looked like a wolf's. Clarke gasped very quietly and asked why did he held his Secret back from her. He looked at her and replied that he isn't the only one with such a power to be a Werewolf. Clarke looked confused at Stiles, he said roher that Alison is a Werewolf as well for Lydia was a fire witch and Nyx was a witch with Manipulation power.

Clarke climbed out of the bed with anger and opened her wardrobe, she took out a t-shirt and pulled it on with shorts on, she then made her hair in a messy ponytail. Stiles took his shirt and pulledd it on while Clarke made her ponytail, Stiles tried to calm Clarke down but then Clarke pushed him against the wall. Stiles saw that Clarke's eyes turned red when she pushed him against the wall. He told her that he didn't have time to tell her because she was to busy with other stuff.

Clarke roared at Stiles angerly, Stiles saw that Clarke's fangs were already out but then Clarke looked at her window  it looked as if she was hearing something, Clarke sprinted towards the window and jumped threw it. Stiles swore under his breath he ran out of the room and out of the house to go after Clarke but he saw nothing yet, he howled towards the moon and ran into the street. Stiles caught Clarke's sent and ran after it.

He followed her sent into the woods, Stiles ran after the sent and heard another person running behind him. He stopped in the middle of the woods and saw that Alison stopped right in front of him. She said that her sent was very weak in the woods. Stiles looked with curiosity at the darkness in the woods, he told Alison that she should search east and he will go North. Alison ran east and Stiles ran North.

Both of them met up again and and said that they found nothing, Stiles knew what he had to do. He took out his phone and called Lydia. A few minutes has passed and the Twins arrived at Stiles' location. Lydia asked why did they need help and with what. Stiles looked at Lydai amd said that he told Clarke that he was a Werewolf but he couldn't tell her that she was a Vampire. Lydia gasped when she heard Vampire. She said that the last Vampire they saw was Ian but how do they knew thaat Clarke's a Vampire.

Alison siad that Clarke shoots an arrow with closed eyes. Lydia looked at Stiles, he just nodded yes. Lydia sighed and looked at Nyx. She sighed and said that they owe her big time. Nyx's eyes turned a amethyst purple and some purple smoke exited her hands and went into the ground, some purple flowers grew out of the ground. One thing thhat made these flowers so special was that it could sense a supernatural and manipulate its power. Twenty to forty minutes later the flowers begaan to glow a bright blue, that meant Clarke was near them. Stiles heard a noise above them he looked up and saw red eyes falling down towards him. Stiles reacted fast and blocked the attack. Clarke fell on the ground when Stiles blocked her attack. She looked in Stiles' eyes and roared at him, Stiles roared back but more stronger than ever.

Clarke felt weak and tried to slash Stiles but she fell to the ground feeling defeated.

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