Welcome to India

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The four teenagers fell out of the sky, Alison held Lydia tightly as Nyx tried to figure out a spell that could save her and her friends from falling to their deaths. When nyx eventually said the spell that was in her head, the four floated above the ground, Alison asked Nyx if she could let them down, as nyx sighed in relief and let the four down on the ground. they stood still and looked around to see where they were. as nyx told stiles to scout the place to see where they were, stiles nodded and ran in different directions.

Nyx heard Lydia panting of the arrow in her stomach, Nyx went to Lydia and asked her how she could help, Lydia told her that she and Alison has it covered, for now, Nyx nodded and went back to her old spot to see if she could spot stiles anywhere. back at Lydia and Alison, the two tried to find a way to pull the arrow out of the stomach without hurting her. Alison told Lydia that she will count to three then she will pull out the arrow. Lydia nodded and told her that she was ready, Alison counted down from three, and when she reached one she pulled the steel arrow out of Lydia's stomach. She screamed of the pain, but as Alison saw that her wound began to heal Nyx suddenly fell to the ground of the pain in her stomach.

When Lydia's wound healed and Nyx was starting to feel better Stiles came back with information about where they were. Nyx stood up from the ground and asked Stiles if he had gotten something and as for Lydia and Alison, Alison asked Lydia about how she wound healed on its own. Lydia told Alison that as a Gemini witch when one was just and badly bruised or had an open wound, the Second witch will heal the other only if they were alive. It was very complex for Alison to understand how the life of a Gemini witch worked but when they stood next to Nyx and Stiles, they heard that they were in India.

Lydia sighed and asked Nyx if India was the best place for them, Stills and Alison looked and each other in silence but then Stiles asked the two why India was such a bad place. Lydia looked at Nyx frustrated and told her that she needed to tell the group or otherwise show them. Nyx looked embarrassed but then she began to speak her words, she said that India was the first place she ever found love and had a very toxic relationship. Stiles wanted to say something but then was cut off by Nyx saying that Kori her girlfriend was living in India from day one.

Nyx formed a sphere in her hands and toled Stiles and Alison to look in it. As the two looked in the sphere they saw Nyx and Kori happy together as the best couple, Stiles looked away from the sphere and looked at Nyx, he asked her why was it a toxic relationship for her. Lydia told Stiles that he should just watch because the sphere will tell them everything they should know.

As Alison still looked in the sphere she saw that Nyx and Kori had a big fight, Nyx used her magic and Kori used a powerful scream as Clarke did. When Alison stopped looking in the sphere and at The twins, the sphere disappeared in thin air. Alison asked why they fought and about what. Nyx told Alison that they have to ask Kori herself.  Lydia looked at her curiously and asked how. Nyx raised an eyebrow and said that she knows where Kori still lived.

Nyx walked off into idia and told the group to Follow as they followed Nyx they stopped at a big Indian Motel with palm trees in front of it. Nyx introduces the motel as Kori's main home.

*Note: Vampires and Werewolves will be back on October 2nd. My exam is coming up so that is why V&W is taking a break for now... Until then enjoy this part of the book then be prepared as there's many more to come.*

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