Back To Salt Lake City

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Clarke opened her eyes and saw that Lydia and Keith were awake and kissing relatively. Clarke made a face and closed her face under the blanket, she could still hear the two kissings. She peeked through her blanket still seeing the two love birds kissing, Clarke sighed. And covered herself in the blanket once again.

As Nyx woke up and saw the two kissings relatively she flicked her hand up in the air, and just like that Keith was stuck to the ceiling, Lydia looked at Nyx annoyed and asked her if it was really necessary to let Keith be stuck on the ceiling. Nyx nodded her head yes and replied that they should kiss somewhere else because two people were sleeping, one with a missing boyfriend and the single another one. Lydia raised an eyebrow and asked Nyx what happened to Summer. Nyx replied that Summer wasn't real, she was a piece of polystyrene. Lydia looked confused but then remembered that her sister had Illusions for power.

Clarke came out of the blanket and looked at Keith that was on the ceiling. Clarke pointed towards him and asked if somebody knew what happened to him. Lydia replied while looking at Nyx that a certain someone putted a spell on him. Clarke looked at Lydia then at Nyx who looked in another direction. Clarke stood up and told Nyx that she should take Keith off from the ceiling to the ground. Nyx rolled her eyes and flicked her hand down which made Keith fall to the ground. Nyx also stood up and followed Clarke to the kitchen, as the two entered the kitchen they saw that Alison was making breakfast.

The two greeted Alison good morning and sat at the bar stools that were on the island of the kitchen. Clarke then asked if Alison was ready to go back to Salt Lake City. Alison sighed and replied that she doesn't want to go back, Clarke chuckled and told Alison that she doesn't have a choice. Alison said back that she doesn't want to go back because there could be more consequences. Clarke stood out of the barstool and stormed out of the house.

Alison sighed and looked at Nyx, Nyx looked back at Alison and told her that she needed to go back because they need to find Stiles, Alison replied that she can't- Nyx interrupted and asked why not? Alison replied that she can't because she didn't feel safe after the whole prom thing. Nyx chuckled and told Alison that she was also afraid but she didn't run away like a coward, she added that she battled her fear and took a hold of it but it had required some teamwork from her friends. Alison replied that she wasn't a coward but then was interrupted by Lydia who was standing in the doorway. Lydia asked then what would Alison call it when somebody ran away from their fear. Alison replied that she called it the right thing.

Lydia couldn't believe her ears she was almost speechless, Lydia then told Alison that she calls it the wrong thing and stupidity. Alison was silent for a few seconds, after a few seconds Clarke stormed towards her and grabbed her throat. Clarke's eyes were red, she told Alison that she was coward a d that she doesn't run from fear ever. Alison told Clarke that she would tell her who she was scared of. Clarke let go of her throat and told her that she knew it was her. Alison replied that she was right Alison was scared of Clarke.

Clarke stormed out of the house again and told the others that they should go back home. When Lydia and Keith were out of the house, Nyx looked at Alison and told her that she is stupid to let her fear of Clarke get the best of her. She stood up from the barstool and walked out of the kitchen then out of the house. The four climbed in the car and drove back to Salt Lake City.

12 ½ hours later the four arrived Back in Salt Lake City. When the car parked in front of Lydia's house they climbed out. They entered the house and saw snow and ice everywhere. The four were confused but then saw a woman on the stairs, her eyes were as blue as ice and she had white hair with a light blue dress. Lydia asked who she was, the woman smirked and replied that she was the Ice Vampire.

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