Salt Lake City 1980

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The four teenagers, one with a rare time dwarf cuffed to her hand another one speechless for being frozen for about three to five minutes. Stood on the streets of Salt Lake City 1980, the cars were 1980s stiles, newspapers were flying everywhere and even the people of the city were dressed in 1980. The dwarf coughed and told them that he is hungry. The dwarf began to walk across the street towards a diner, Lydia tried to stop the dwarf but he just kept ongoing. The group entered the diner and was seated immediately by a waitress, most of them would have roller skates on like shoes.

The blonde ponytail-haired waitress with gum in her mouth, with her pink white, and black short skirt and pink shirt, came rolling towards the table where the teens sat. She rolled towards them and stopped with her order book ready to take their orders. The waitress asked if they wanted to start with drinks, Lydia ordered a pink milkshake, Alison and Nyx ordered sparkling water and as for Stiles, he took a Coke. The dwarf coughed again and asked if he could have water. The waitress went to the kitchen.

The dwarf mimicked the kindness of the waitress rudely, Lydia looked at him, he sighed and said he was sorry but then the dwarf felt sick after saying those words. Nyx sighed and told the three that they should be back to the present before graduation began. Lydia asked Nyx how they were going to do that. Nyx looked at the dwarf and told her that she jas a plan.

The waitress came back to their table with all of their drinks. The four thanked her but not the dwarf, Lydia punched him in the arm, as the dwarf got punched he thanked the waitress in a soft low painful voice. The waitress asked if there was anything else, Nyx nodded no and gave the waitress a tip.

The waitress went back to help someone else, as the four discuss the plan of their strategy to going back to the present. Then it became silent. The dwarf looked at the four that were looking at him. He sighed and asked if he could keep the crystal. Lydia looked at the three and told the dwarf that if he takes them back to 2019 he has a deal. Nyx couldn't believe her ears but she knew it was for the best.

After a while, Stiles stood up with the other to the outside of the diner. The dwarf didn't like helping the children but if he did he knew that he was free of them. Lydia unlocked the handcuffs and told the dwarf to do his magic. The creature's eyes began to glow the clock on his back began to turn, as the clock turned the sun began to set slowly. And after the sun came the moon, the moon went up in the sky then down again, the same happened to the sun. The days went by fast the city grew more and more, the cars started to change and then a huge firework show went off to celebrate the year 2000.

As the 1980s turned back to 2019, the teenagers were in awe. The dwarf was out of breath he looked at Lydia and asked if he could have the crystal. Lydia gave him the crystal and thanked him. The dwarf coughed and said that she was welcome. As the dwarf walked away he murmured disgust, because he just said she was welcome.

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