Clarke but No Stiles

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As Clarke stormed off to the boy she jumped on him and bit half of his face. He threw her off and tried to pinch her but as he missed she took his arm and ripped it clean off, she threw the arm to one side, she pushed him to the ground, as she grabbed his neck, Nyx, Lydia and Alison tried to stop Clarke from killing the boy, but they failed, Clarke bit on the side of his neck and tipped a whole chunk of his throat out. She pushed him away from her, she spits the chunk out of her mouth, the boy holds on the open wound on his neck but as he did so befell to the ground.

Clarke was furious but then she heard Stiles' voice. She ran to him and saw the metal pole, she asked him if he was healing, but he nodded no. Lydia and the other two went to the boy and saw that he died. Back to Clarke and Stiles, Clarke told Stiles that she was going to pull the pole out, Stiles did nothing, so Clarke pulled out the pole, Stiles fell on her shoulder. She puts him on the ground and saw that more blood cane out of his mouth, she told him that he should hold on, the three girls stand behind Clarke and look at each other.

Stiles said in a painful voice that he loves Clarke. Clarke began to cry but then told him that he couldn't say that. But then Clarke kissed him with tears rolling on her cheek, as she kissed him she knew he was dead. The wound didn't heal. Clarke stood up and wiped the tears away. Alison asked her if she was ok. Clarke nodded no and added that she was going to kill Pandora and Ian if it was the only thing to do.

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