Lola the ruler of the Golden Crown

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The two walked through the woods talking about this Lola woman. Keith told Nyx that Lola was the queen of Goldtopia, Nyx asked Keith how to get to Goldtopia, Keith replied that Goldtopia was a place you can go to if you believe, Nyx was confused but then asked if Keith believed in the Goldtopia. Keith nodded his head yes and looked at Nyx, Nyx stopped and looked at Keith, Keith asked what was wrong. Nyx held her finger in front of her mouth. As the two stood in silence they heard a big stomp, as the big stumps went on the two heard tons of birds flying away from the noise. Nyx told Keith to take cover, Nyx teleported on top of a big tree branch that was stable only for her and as for Keith he jumped onto the same tree as Nyx but on a different branch. As the two waited for stumps to go away they saw the thing that made the noise.

The monster had four legs, and three heads, it was the three Headed dog from hell that passed through the woods. As the dog walked away from the tree where Nyx and Keith hid from the two climbed immediately down and told each other that they should get to Goldtopia as fast as they can. The two walked further into the woods and arrived at the mountain range, Keith told Nyx that they should look for a three that had a golden apple on it, Nyx was confused and asked why should they search for a tree has a golden apple on it. Keith replied that the tree was the portal to  Goldtopia, Nyx asked again why should they believe in Goldtopia, Keith replied that he said that because they were going to need it eventually.

Nyx sighed and began searching for the tree.

A few minutes later Nyx found the tree and told Keith that she found it, the two stood in front of the tree and just stared at the tree. Nyx scratched her neck and asked Keith if he knows what to do?

Keith told Nyx that one of them should pick the apple, Nyx looked at Keith, while she looked at him she asked him why only one of them, Keith replied that he once tried to take the apple but then his worst fear became true. Nyx scoffed and reached for the apple, as she reached for the apple she heard something in her ear, she looked over her shoulder taking her hand away from the apple. When she took her hand away she heard nothing anymore, Nyx looked back at the apple and sighed. Keith asked what was wrong, Nyx replied that the apple has an effect that plays with your mind when you want to pick it. Nyx looked back at the apple and picked it instantly, as she took the apple it began to glow, Nyx took Keith's hand and told him to hold on.

The apple glowed so bright the two closed their eyes when they opened them they saw that they were in Goldtopia, every house was white and blue and in the distance was a huge castle. The two looked around and saw that there were people around the city businesses and more. Nyx and Keith let go of the hand and walked around when they reached the castle doors the two looked at each other and walked in. The two thought it was so easy to just walk into the castle and ask the queen but when they arrived at the throne room they saw that the queen was sitting on her throne waiting for something.

She greeted Nyx and Keith, the two were very surprised when they heard her saying their names. As the queen stood up she told the two that they can call her Queen Lola VI (6). When she introduced herself she formed a long golden pole in her hands and walked towards the two. Keith looked at Nyx and told her that she should run, Nyx began to run but then she stopped and fell to the ground when she saw that the long golden pole was through her stomach, Keith looked at the queen and asked her what she was going to do. Lola replied that if they want to ask questions they should fight for it first, she then punched Keith in the face that knocked him out.

The Queen screamed that the guards should take the two to the golden arena and that they should heal the witch. Two guards came out of the throne and took Nyx and Keith away.

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