Witches and a Problem

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7 Days Left

When the four stood outside the house and saw how it consumed the house Jen began to cry, but then something happened in the house, the blackness of the soul disappeared and somebody came out of the house it was Keith with the soul in his hands, Nyx couldn't believe her eyes she ran towards him and gave him a big hug, she told him that he shouldn't scare her like that. he chuckled and laid his head on her shoulder.


While Derek was sprinting through miles of woods he saw that the daylight became nighttime, he ran even quicker than before to find the group of witches, when he ran through the woods he saw that he surpassed the end of the forest and that there was just plain grass everywhere.

he knew where the location of the witches the only thing he knew was that the twins' mother and father were with those witches. as Derek ran through the grassland he noticed that he was entering dangerous property named the Witch land he stopped running and formed into his human form he knew he was naked but the witches would give him some pair of clothing he walked until he reached a blurry border he took a breath and walked into the border, as he walked in he saw enormous General Sherman trees there were multiple of them, in trees where witch houses and also on the ground, there was one huge school for wizards and witches. 

Derek walked around and stumbled into a witch who had flowers in her hands but when she turned around he saw that it was the twins' mother Derek's eyes went wide open and greeted her. the witch sighed as a sign of disappointment she then asked Derek what he had done wrong Derek responded that he did nothing wrong he wanted to talk to her and her husband. 

the witch looked down at the flowers she looked back at Derek and told him to take the flowers he took the flowers and saw that the pedals began to make clothing pieces the witch then told Derek that if he was done putting on the clothes then he should meet them at the palace. 

Derek pulled the flower top and leafy plant on then started to walk towards the palace he stood in front of the open gates and walked in as he walked in he saw that there were two thrones in the middle at the end of the palace. he stopped at the steps that went to the two thrones he waited for a minute until he saw that the witch and her husband sat on the thrones beside the witch was a nymph with a scroll of paper she rolled the scroll open and announced that queen Rea and king Troy will only listen to the subject if he or she was interested in the issue the nymph added that if the subject interrupts or confronts the king or queen he or she will be punished by the queens' moon power and the kings' sun power, the nymph closed the scroll and told Derek to introduce himself to the royals.

Derek introduced himself as Derek Paxton Hale the werewolf that loosed his wife and took care of his 19-year-old son he added that he also took care of a problem that the king and queen told him to do. 

Rea sighed and asked why Derek wanted to talk to them, Derek told them about the whole Ian problem but he didn't include that their daughter was working for them he also added that he needed their help to fight with them Rea looked at Troy them back at Derek the two royals sat in quiet when Troy asked Derek who would join the fight, Derek replied that he was told the golden queen, the blind man and more he added that he was promised that most of the Ruths' will also join the fight, Troy sat back in his trone and told Derek that he thinks they shouldn't put the lives of witches and wizards in risk but then Rea disagreed she told Troy that she disagreed but he looked at her like he was going to beat her she swallowed from the scare and said that she also disagrees, the nymph went forward but then was cut off by Derek that they should first think about their choice, Troy stood his ground by disagreenig but then Rea stood up from her throne and told Derek that if he could convince witches and wizards in the next 2 days then she and Troy could change their mind, Troy sprung up from his throne  from rage but then Rea told him that a queen witch objective was the final decision and nobody neither the king himself could change the desincion. She looked at Derek then back at Troy. She walked away and told the nymph that she should show Derek where he was going to sleep. The nymph nodded ok and asked Derek if he could follow her.

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