The Secret Pt. 1

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Note: This is part one out of two because my exam is coming up, I need to split this chapter into two parts. The next chapter will be out next week Wednesday.

Clarke woke up with half of her hair on her face and saw that the sun was shining threw the venetian blinds; she sighed and knew Ava was already in her room. She looked at her phone that lay on the wireless phone charger. She took it off and saw that Alison had texted her a few minutes ago asking if they could meet at the Oats House. She texted back that she would be there in ten minutes.

Clarke stood out of bed and stripped off her pajamas, and went to the bathroom for a shower. She pulled a skirt on with some black stockings, a dark purple shirt, and a grey jacket. She brushed her hair and made it into a bun. Clarke walled out of her room with her red sneakers toward the door. When she opened the door, she saw Stiles standing in the doorway, ready to knock on the door. Clarke asked Stiles what he was doing at her house. He replied that he needed to talk to her, but he could see that she was in a hurry, so he asked her if she needed a lift. She looked at him and nodded yes. Both of them walked to Stiles' car and climbed in.

She looked at him and said she needed to repay him, but he replied that she didn't have to. A few minutes later, of absolute silence in the car, they arrived at the diner. Clarke climbed out of the car and walked to the diner entrance when she turned around and waved goodbye to Stiles. Clarke watched Stiles drove off. She walked into the diner and saw Alison at the first table by the white and red nineties wall. She sat down across from Alison and asked her what she wanted. Alison looked at Clarke and said that she needed her help. Clarke asked directly what she could have helped. Alison said that she needed to help her control her anger. Clarke replied that she would do her best.

The two left the diner with some takeaway and went somewhere more quieter and peaceful, when Alison stopped the car in front of a rusty old gate. On the entrance was a yellow metal board that said there could be dangerous animals like snakes and wild cats. Clarke asked Alison if she thought it could be a good idea. Alison just nodded yes and climbed over the rusty fence bare-handed. Clarke followed her over the rusty fence.

Alison said that she has a high temper and needs to control it before getting someone hurt. Clarke looked at her, confused, but also understood Alison's struggles. Alison said that Clarke needed to find almost nine glass bottles, but Clarke wasn't doing it alone because Alison offered to help her. They found nine glass bottles a few minutes later and put it on an old wood plank. Alison took out a bow with some arrows out of a rusty metal car; Clarke was shocked when she saw that Alison knew how to shoot an arrow at a glass bottle.

Alison took an arrow and pulled it,, aiming at the glass bottle, but she let go and missed the bottle. Clarke tapped her should and told her that she needed to breathe in and out. Clarke took an arrow and pulled it towards the bottle. She breathed in then out; she closed her eyes and lets go of the arrow leaving the bottle she aimed for in pieces. Clarke took another arrow with her eyes closed and aimed for another bottle. Alison looked at Clarke and saw that her eyes were closed.

Clarke lets go of the arrow, hitting one of the bottles again, leaving it in pieces. Alison saw that Clarke was a big show-off, so she decided why not stand in front of her to see her potential. Clarke took a third arrow and aimed it towards the third glass bottle. Alison quickly ran in front of her aim. Clarke turned slowly left and let go of the arrow not hitting a bottle but something in the woods. Clarke opened her eyes, surprising Alison with blood-red eyes. Alison ran towards the woods and saw that Clarke had shot an animal. Clarke's eyes returned to brown color, and she saw Alison was gone. Clarke heard her from far that she talked to someone. So Clarke listened carefully to what she said, Alison said that Clarke needs to control her power before she hurts someone else.

A few minutes passed and Alison came back to see Clarke gone. But one thing that Clarke left behind was the bow and arrow. Clarke phoned an Uber to pick her up. As the sun was setting down, she didn't see her Uber anywhere, so she began to walk a couple of hours later. Clarke finally saw her neighbourhood and walked to her house. She opened the door and saw Ava sitting on the couch in the living room.

She said hi to Ava and told her that she would take a bath. Ava heard that she was going to take a bath. Ava wanted to catch her before she went for a bath to tell her that her mother is coming back in a few minutes, but Ava was too late. Clarke stripped down her clothes and climbed in the warm bath. A few minutes later she walked to her room with a towel up to her breast. She closed her door and saw that Stiles was sitting on her bed. Clarke asked him if he needed something because he couldn't walk into her room.

Stiles looked back to see a half naked Clarke standing in front of a closed door. Stiles reacted quickly with the words he needed to talk to her but then there was a knock on the door with a female's voice. The voice said that she needed to see Clarke. Clarke jumped when she heard the knock on the door. She knew it was her mother because she recognized her voice. Clarke swallowed and told Stiles that he needed to leave but he replied that he really needed to talk to her. Clarke sighed and told him that she needed to trust him on this one. He nodded yes and saw that Clarke opened the towel that was around her. Stiles covered his eyes and told her that he didn't trust her anymore. Mrs. Miller knocked again and asked if she could enter Clarke's room.
Clarke walked seductively towards Stiles with his eyes closed. She said that he saw her naked once.

Stiles replied and said that they were five and covered in bubbles. Clarke stopped right in front of Stiles and said that he said he could trust her. Stiles sighed and opened his eyes looking Clarke in the eyes, and finally, she pulled him closer and kissed him on the lips. Mrs. Miller knocked again but warned them that it was the last time. Clarke kissed Stiles passionately on the lips, as he kissed back he could feel that her hands playing with his shirt. He took her hands away from his shirt and immediately removed the shirt. On the other side of the closed-door stood Mrs. Miller waiting for Clarke to open the door, but she warned her almost three times. She opened the door very fast and walked into the room immediately. But then she stopped not making one sound and walked back into the hallway closing the door slowly, not to make a sound.

When Mrs. Miller left the doorknob, she smiled of excitement quietly.

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